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Fox Miner

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Status Updates posted by Fox Miner

  1. New post coming soon, about one or two hours

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CanIIA
    3. rofrrrrrrrrrrrrr


      From the shadows CanIIA? XD

      Sorry for the bad joke.

    4. CanIIA


      Anticay enters the chat

      :] @rofrrrrrrrrrrrrr u are right dw, tysm

      Anticay leaves the chat

  2. I am really sad about Scott (Creator of FNaF) leaving us, but it was not his fault.

    I know this what I'm going to say might sound awkward but its true:

    Many Kids loved his games and thought about "I would love to die in a Animatronic or getting killed by a purple dressed guy!" Its stupid and I thought about that too, but its true and that might be a reason why he left us! As a good man and as a good Father!

    1. LacaMenDRY


      Why You're always making your Text Customizable?
      Like 97% From your Posts are these Awesome Texts.

      Btw I'm not Critizing, But just Asking. 

    2. Fox Miner
    3. LacaMenDRY


      Owh. Okay.. not a problem...

  3. Everyone! Make a render for @LacaMenDRYand post it in the topic Good Bye LacaMenDry

  4. My M-i Forum's Skin is out, Get it now!




    1. animation dude 888

      animation dude 888

      :0 beautiful!

      and WHER TREE!!!!????

    2. Fox Miner

      Fox Miner

      @animation dude 888

      no tree, except for the jacket that's made out of tree-wool.


      Just fun, its made of pixels :D


    3. animation dude 888

      animation dude 888

      Replying to @Fox Miner

      Quoted word
      except for the jacket that's made out of tree-wool.

      HOW DARE YOU :steve_tearful:

  5. This is kinda frustrating me!


    @FOXY TOONS overtook @LacaMenDRY, what!?

    This is kinda frustrating....

    But though big respect for them two for just being the first two :D

    2. animation dude 888

      animation dude 888


      but its not lacamendry fault for being inactive, he might be busy with real life stuffs like me. 

    3. Fox Miner
  6. kind of dead the forums today hmm?

    2. niam


      Yes, but not until MI2 released

    3. Fox Miner

      Fox Miner

      YEAH @niamthats gonna be a masaker at this place!

  7. The What!?



    BTW I am bad at Math! I said Last time that one was missing to the 60,
    well 49 + 1 = 60!

    I love Math!

  8. Whoever noticed this here:

    And thought that he/she might want to have it as a Phone Wallpaper, well have no fear!

    I made this for my phone actually, but you can use it for any sized phone, since my phone is equipped with the tallest Display on the market I guess.


    Sorry for the lower Rez. but my Laptop can't handle more...

  9. It's finally done! The Bedwars Showcase is finally on the... Showcase?


    Well, it's been a year actually and finally something that speaks up to all Bedwars Players! Gets to be placed on the Showcase! BOOM YEAH!


    1. Fox Miner
    2. Field Team

      Field Team

      Very nice, you have earned it

    3. Fox Miner

      Fox Miner

      @Field Team

      And you have earned this heart vote!

  10. [Part's and Services log:

    We've been reassembling many old Animatronics now and found out a few things. 

    A. The animatronics seem all to have the same kind of... Virus? We can't really tell what this is, because we can't detect it. 

    B. We Figured since longer ago, that the Animatronics of the Generation "5" have some kind of Grab arm in them. We have some theories for what they might be, because of the code that we found for them, but for now we dislocated them from the Animatronics since they seemed dangerous. 

    C. Some of the Animatronics were unrecoverable, such as:

    1. A Pink Bear of the Generation 5 with a missing hand. 
    2. A Pink Fox of the Generation 5 with no Lower Body.
    3. A Cable Pile with a burned Freddy Mask. 

    D. We found some weird video files in the Animatronics data that we till now can't decode, of course we will continue with decoding them but it might take some time. 

    F. We request a raise because of the risks we actually take while entering the protective cylinder. One of your coworkers got almost copped into pieces while trying to resample an Animatronic apparently named Magle, but yet is registered as Toy Foxy. 

    End of Part's and Services log] 

  11. Yo guys I had this weird dream. 

    The Dream:

    I got banned from the forums for just "chatting to much" 

    Danm I better watch out... It might be a sign... 😂 Lol 

    1. animation dude 888

      animation dude 888

      yes u better watch out and u must stop chatting too much. also, wake up samurai WE HAVE A FOG TO TURN OFF!!!!

    2. Floofy


      you must be pretty obsessed to worry so much about being banned that you dream about it

    3. Fox Miner

      Fox Miner

      @Floofy, yeah I am, since I found many new friends here, and this is the only place to finally find people that appreciate my art and then I can see others to make amazing art too, I mean this is home... For me at least 

  12. Bends... Bends... BENDS!!!! I WON'T MORE!!! GIVE ME MORE BENDS!!!! 

    1. niam


      It's like "GIMME MORE LAG!!!"

    2. Fox Miner

      Fox Miner

      @niam That's literally the same thing, lol

    3. justin_
  13. Well, I am Back and... What the actual... 

    What did I miss!? 

    I was only a week gone and this!? 


    Jesus Christ! 


    I mean I noticed Daniel to join the dev team temporarily, but damn I missed like a lot! 

    Someone catch me please! 

    1. niam


      Dev update #22. Big update is coming, yo.

    2. LacaMenDRY


      Finally my best fren is back from warzone.

    3. Fox Miner

      Fox Miner

      @niam Thanks for telling me about the most obvious thing there is... Jk, Yeah I noticed, btw that Tank animation you did, amazing!


      @LacaMenDRY more like egg hunt but yeah it was something like war between me and my brother and sister

      Anyways yeah I am back!

  14. Well, I am stuck... I have literally run out of ideas, my showcase (Phasmophobia) is going no where, have no motivation... 

    So I am asking you guys... 


    1. LacaMenDRY


      Play Minecraft with your friends then make a render from it.
      next week. 

    2. Aayush Saji
    3. CanIIA


      Well, make a random wallpaper with a creeper or something XD sorry, Idk :"(

  15. Well, I have no more new renders... I am struggling... Kind of... 

    I'll probably just post some old images that I never posted... Or even showcases... 

    You'll see, until then GIVE ME MORE IDEAS

    1. Field Team
    2. Fox Miner

      Fox Miner

      @Field Team, working on that, but still having trouble with the walls, if you know What I mean... 



      On Google Images, I think i've found a decent image you can use as a reference.



  16. Well, I got to say somethin! 

    I am not Gay! Nvm that was a stupid thing

    No I wanted to say that is, that from next week on I won't post Wallpapers everyday all day

    I'll try to work more on models and other things, like a storyline that I once mentioned *cough* *cough*

    Anyways, that does not mean that I'll be offline, just bring back a few things. 

    1. Aayush Saji

      Aayush Saji

      Like the fnaf 4k rez models?

    2. Fox Miner

      Fox Miner

      @Aayush Saji You guys really want those models don't you? Damn... Can't promise nothing, but after the release of MHM V50 (My Human Model V50), there might be a chance of me updating those FNaF rigs to the MHM V50 level which could lead to publishing, but I am not sure!

    3. Aayush Saji
  17. Well, I think it's hot enough and it's summer so what about I change my Pfp to the Summer version?

    1. master attack

      master attack


      good idea


    2. LacaMenDRY


      Me who are in the summer in my entire life be like: Meh.

    3. Jeo_Swift


      heh, me living at 47 degrees, DRIP

      47+ tho

  18. That hurts...


    1. Zyn


      why did you even search for "mine imator girl render" sus

    2. animation dude 888

      animation dude 888

      why did you even search for "mine imator girl render" sus

    3. Fox Miner

      Fox Miner


      I looked for inspiration........ 


  19. I FINNALY GOT MINECRAFT PREMIUM, kind of sad... but at least I do!

    1. Fox Miner

      Fox Miner

      Btw my friend got it for me, I am way to broke to get it myself... -_-

    2. Jeo_Swift


      wooooooooooooooooooooo lesssssssss goooooooooooooooooooooo

    3. LacaMenDRY


      Finally. I also wanted to get both premium versions of Minecraft after I got a new laptop.

  20. Well... FML, My Laptop died... Most possibly the CPU burned out... Right when everything seemed great, this shit happens... Damn... 

    1. Fox Miner
    2. CanIIA


      I'm glad you could fix it

    3. Fox Miner

      Fox Miner

      Heck I almost freaking died because I just have such a big connection to my Laptop... Weird right? But I like it!

  21. What if... I don't care?

    1. SpideySpidery


      Not much of a deal I guess.... I too don't care XD

      wait, "What if... You don't care" about what? hmmm
    2. Fox Miner

      Fox Miner

      What If I just destroy the world with a single button press... 

    3. SpideySpidery
  22. WAIT WHAT!?


    I better get some work done, btw congrats @SpideySpidery, you have my respect!

    1. AR negative
    2. CanIIA


      Omg :0

      *My brain crashes*


      Congrats @SpideySpidery!

    3. SpideySpidery
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