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Status Updates posted by Joshdotmp4

  1. "I see" said the blind man, as he picked up a hammer and saw.

  2. Once I was an adventurer just like you, but then I took an arrow to the HEAD.

  3. "Once, when I was 7 years old, I sat on a banana, and, of course, that changed my life." - Hugh Neutron

  4. So, you want ideas for an animation? Get ready. Every time you fall asleep, you wake up in an alternate reality, and in that reality, you fall asleep to get to the original. The only person who can travel between these two realities is you. Actions in one reality affect your physical body in both. Break your arm in one, it's broken in both. "You" is the main character...

    1. Mike


      I'm going to write that down :D

  5. A whole 2 hours spent on r/MichaelBayGifs and I am incredibly happy http://i.imgur.com/Vit45Fk.gif

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ocelot


      That is amazing! High fi- *nuke*

    3. RedRoger
    4. CoolElf


      more like #MichaelBae

  6. steampunk, ur proofel sez u hav no frends coz no1 haz tyme 2 pay attenshun 2 u. I wil b ur frend 4evs

  7. What's on YOUR mind?

    1. Spiderman


      yeah whats on YOUR mind?

  8. Nothing brings two people together like the mutual hatred of another person.

  9. It sure is, Ethan. The sun is shining even though it's 12:44 AM for me =)

    1. NoHayTroblemo


      9:46 PM for me, it's so sunny and the sky is beatiful right now!

  10. YOU'RE not really that clever or funny. :|

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Archon



    3. MinesterTheFloop


      Please apply cold water to BURNED area.

    4. BOOMmaker


      I wasn't trying to be either.

  11. Make haste slowly.

  12. If you could have one hamburger, what would it's toppings be?

    1. MobKiller Animations
    2. KicksBrickster


      Cheddar, bacon, onions, fried onions, bbq sauce.

  13. Look down, now back at me, now down, back at me. Now there's a stick of butter on your head.


    1. Marty McFly

      Marty McFly

      Translation from Rabbid language: Hi.

  15. A list of all the things I hate: 1. Complaining 2. Lists 3. Irony

    1. SubthekidFTW


      you violated all 3 YOUR SATAN

    2. KicksBrickster


      An ironic list that's complaining about ironic complaining lists.

  16. Wait... why are... I'm sensing that more and more people on this forum are making relationships as we speak! Digital Girl + DigitalEvorian; AlecAnimates + LittleLillithGirl; and more... SOMEONE GET THE HOLY WATER TO STOP THIS CORRUPTION

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. KicksBrickster


      Except I'm antisocial and therefor cant take part in teamforeveralone. I am simply aloner.

    3. Cryotivity


      Joshinja back in my day there used to be a new ship eryday, but still #Team Cryunator

    4. Jar


      I don't agree with that second ship ;P I'm quite chill with my actual girlfriend

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