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Posts posted by RoboCreep11

  1. 1 hour ago, 9redwoods said:

    Sure, I have rep. Did I say I cared about my rep count?

    No....... biased   <- this is a joke.. people usually don't know when I'm joking so I sometimes have to say when I am.

  2. 1 hour ago, Kwazedilla said:

    i still believe gray would be a more realistic effect. take these images of rain that i found:

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    notice how the scenes are predominantly gray, with little to no blue hues. your idea of creating a blue scene is valid if you wanted to convey a certain emotion, but i chose to make the scene gray since that is what i believe is more realistic. i do concede that the minecraft rain particles are inherently unrealistic and should have been replaced in favor of a rain overlay:


    Full res: https://i1.lensdump.com/i/jyibhC.png

    I suppose you're right in this instance. I do wish that we perform another friendly quarrel sometime in the near future.

  3. 2 hours ago, Kwazedilla said:

    1. agreed; let's just say it's a light drizzle

    2. why? there's only one light source that's needed (that being the sun). you could make a case that the overcast conditions scatter sunlight all around the palace which would require more point lights to give the illusion of an even spread of light, but i'd say that's too much work when i could just manipulate the background lighting

    4. while the camera doesn't exactly follow the rule of thirds, i think that it still captures the subject of the image (the center of the palace) pretty effectively. i think i could make the depth of field effect stronger, but i didn't want to do that because it would remove the detail in the clouds

    3 & 5. why blue? if anything, the lighting should be even more gray due to the sunlight being scattered. you could make a point that a blue scene would make the scene more melancholy, but i would add a blue overlay in postprocessing than utilize more computer resources rendering lights. more fog would make sense if it were raining heavily, but again we can say it's a light drizzle

    in retrospect i should have not used the rain particles and instead added a rain overlay in postprocessing

    Wallpapers are supposed to show the talent of an animator, they are supposed to show how hard the animator has worked to achieve the goal of creating it. In your response to my 3rd reason, blueish gray would work better then just gray. This is because the diffusion of the blue rain in the fog. By doing this, you will achieve a more realistic effect.


    1. You didn't make the SFR.

    2. There is a 82.4343434343434343434343% chance that you didn't make the skin.

    3. You didn't credit the people who actually made either of those things. (Unless you made the skin)



    You have received a downvote from me with a note attached saying "Git gud!"

  4. 4 hours ago, Kwazedilla said:

    how would you suggest that i improve?

    1. If you're giving the impression that it's raining, add more rain.

    2. More lighting would be nice.

    3. Add some more fog, and make it bluer.

    4. A better camera position would help.

    5. A few blue point lights around the map would help sell that it's actually raining.

  5. 1. Why a furry and not a normal mc wolf?

    2. Lighting need's improvement.

    3. The head moving should cause the body to move too.

    4. The mouth should be opened up more like what MojangYang said.

    5. The flatlands are visible.

  6. 1. Why did the picture distort before they even got in the portal?

    2. Way to much chromatic aberration.

    3. The fireflies are scaled down blocks. (Either sealanterns, or redstone lamps.)

    4. Posing could use a little work.

    5. Lighting is really bland.

    Decent wallpaper for a beginner. 

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