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Everything posted by Communiti

  1. 10/10 error report, possibly the easiest fix in existence. Brilliant job with those logs.
  2. I tried it on multiple images, and if the image type was "Item sheet" then it would only work with fitting images, which makes perfect sense to me at least.
  3. Hi, after extensive research I figured out something I might have already been supposed to know. If I import an image and change an item's texture to it, it must either have a width and height divisible by 16, or the item must be unmarked "use as sheet" prior. Thanks for the help offer, I appreciate it.
  4. Here's the full log. I've removed my name and the project name because it's a surprise that will be posted here when it's over with. @david sorry for tagging you again but could you help me understand this?
  5. @david This seems pretty serious, is it resolved?
  6. If I attempt to create an item with a non-default item skin, or change an existing item to have a non-default item skin, or anything that involves an item with a non-default item skin, MI crashes. I've run it normally and as admin. Here's the log. Ideas?
  7. Communiti

    Undyne Rig!

    well imagine as I'm pacing the pews in a church corridor and I can't help but to hear No I can't help but to hear an exchanging of words
  8. But this is a really well-done rig with a good concept... what exactly is the problem here
  9. Are we just downvoting all fad stuff now? That's a shame. I personally think these are pretty good, nice job.
  10. Did we switch from "no pics no clicks" being the dominant mindset to a heavily downrepped one? Strange.
  11. Wow what a convincing argument. Downvoting my opinion and telling me "no". Or have you no ability to understand people having other opinions than you do?
  12. Great job! I liked the dragon rigs. What exactly happened though?
  13. Yeah sure. This ain't a joke, that's just a dumb excuse to save face.
  14. No, it's because people are jumping on the Five Nights hate bandwagon like there's no tomorrow
  15. Hey, I'm working on that, so stay alert.
  16. You made 100,000 whole steve rigs? Anywho, this looks like someone who will try very hard to convince you he's human.
  17. I came in thinking "this will either be the worst rig ever or amazing" You did not disappoint, good sir. I love it.
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