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Rollo last won the day on April 20 2021

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About Rollo

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    Population: Us!
  • Birthday May 15

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    Population: Us!
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    Downtown Coolsville
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  1. Through my years on the forums I've noticed a few visual elements on the forums that don't exactly line up. None of these are truly important and I'm not gonna throw a fit if they aren't fixed, just pointing them out for consistency's sake.


    When editing your profile it still says your Minecraft username is used to show your skin next to your posts, but that hasn't been the case for a long time now.




    When viewing the activity on someone's profile the upvote and downvote images under posts have a strange white outline that interferes with the one next to it. I think this is actually IPBoard's fault.


    To fix this, just Ctrl-F in the CSS file to look for ".ipsReactOverview ul li a img" and ".ipsReactOverview ul img". Changing the scale in the first class to 1.3 and removing the border in the second class looks good in my opinion. The reaction images it's pulling actually have empty spaces on the sides which causes this border error to happen.

    However, those same CSS classes affect these bad boys and I'm now realizing Invision Power are a bunch of dummies. It can be fixed, but you'd have to separate ".ipsReact_reactCount a img" or ".ipsReactOverview ul li a img", which Invision decided to group together into one declaration, rather than split it up, which makes sense until you consider they're used completely differently and in completely different areas of the website. Invision is silly ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but separating them is pretty easy.



    There are actually a few instances where profile pictures are shown as circles, akin to the IPBoard default theme rather than the square-y Mine-imator Forums theme.


    Mousing over any profile picture



    Replying to a status update



    Mentioning someone in a message or topic



    These can all be fixed by changing the border-radius on all of them to 5px in the CSS, which I tried, and it looks much better in my opinion.


    That's all I've noticed but I'm sure there are others tucked away in the website that other people have noticed. Again, none of these are crucial or anything and I could go my whole life without caring about most of them, but hey, consistency is always nice and all of them are pretty easy fixes.

    1. Ethaniel


      What the hell Rollo. They've always been circular but now Im seeing them as square. I hate this. Im have an existential crisis thanks to you.

    2. Dannyboi


      The icon in the top-right corner is also circular.

    3. Voxy


      Yeah the styling is a mess, making a theme is a nightmare unless you only use the basic font and color options they provide. ?‍♂️

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