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About AstroGamer

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  1. Are you andy?

    1. Sebablixa
    2. Shane


      i couldn't sleep for a week now because every time i laid my head on the pillow, in the instant my eyes closed, i saw your comment and burst into laughter.

  2. Ok, I'll join! Just gimme some time to make the animation! Also, shouldn't the format be .object? Because if it's a project file, then you can only open that as a separate project. You can't load it in into the animation.
  3. i just noticed that u're back, hai :3

    1. AstroGamer


      Man, this is a late response! :o

      Hi. :3

  4. Wait are you Irish or Scottish? :o

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JjCinemas


      I just asked because i faintly heard your accent

    3. JjCinemas


      in the only video on your old channel

    4. AstroGamer


      Oh, ok. Sorry for late reply.

  5. Da hell? Most of my videos are getting 1 view a day roughly because I have 10 subs on my new channel, but one video is getting 10 views A DAY. It's hammerin' out them bloody views!

    1. AstroGamer


      Also, haven't been here in a while. :P

  6. I'm pretty sure the black bit and the button follow the red thing, but it's cool.
  7. AstroGamer

    The Golem

    Holy crap! I've never seen it before, but it's awesome!
  8. Apparently I was banned from DeviantArt because I'm underage. I'M TWELVE. I'm CLEARLY old enough. I undestand where we came from, I know whats right and whats wrong, do they think I'm 2!? >.<;

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. AstroGamer


      It's not a year, it's 4 months. When's my birthday? July 27th. What's it today? March 30th. Actually, that means its 3 months away! So, not a year, 3 months.

    3. NoHayTroblemo


      3 sides, triangle.

      Triangle = Illuminati?


    4. AstroGamer


      Lord, you are just like how I remember you. X-X

  9. You know guys, I think I'm gonna have to leave again. Not because of arguements, you guys are great, but again, Mine Imator keeps crashing, so there is nothing I can do.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Aronanners


      Like JJ and Allemn have stated (and I've said it to you before), you don't have to use Mine-Imator to be on the forums.

    3. BOOMmaker


      I use Mine-imator all the time.

    4. Juffy


      Just wait till the next updateeeeeee

  10. Honestly, some one on Youtube said that too, and I don't see why. 1) You can turn down the volume 2) It isn't even that loud. :/ Thanks doe. Thanks
  11. Guess it wasn't amazing after all.
  12. I wouldn't call it amazing, especially since you gave creepers red eyes which they CLEARLY don't have, but it is nice anyway.
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5n9zdqjqGs
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