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Everything posted by Marten

  1. When you think you know much about computers. But you really don't. And look cringy.
  2. But I dunt like that the voxels or pixels are smaller than the others. It looks like they were copied n pasted. :[
  3. Interesting. But it also happens with the legs. :/
  4. What Skjold said. But however, I don't like the mustache or nose or whatever that is.
  5. I had to. Imo it's quite cringy and lazy to not even retexture the schematic since it's only using about 5 different textures. And he'll learn by his mistakes, that being said; if he makes a topic that gets "hate" or negativity then he'll know what not to do next time. So I see absolutely no reason for us not being able to post negativity that describes the thing he have done wrong.
  6. I'm not saying that because that other people are. I honestly hate when people use schematics for rigs, especially when it's not retextured. And complaining about stuff you don't like is giving criticism. AND . . . @BBruce7815 Can you not start flame wars with me ffs? Unfollow me or I'll literally summon Frossa.
  7. *Clicks on topic* *Sees it's a schematic* *Closes browser and washes my eyes with... bleach*
  8. Not bad but there's a lot of clipping in the last pose, try to avoid that.
  9. I'm gonna type everything from here in the font size of 10 to make it look like it isn't much text even though it isn't. I'd care about the fanbase's feeling if I had any relationship to it which I don't but I don't try to make them feel bad either. The difference between a fanbase and their feeling is very big and I honestly only said that the fanbase is cringy. I didn't say anything about the actuall fans. A person is not necessary cringy just because he/she likes Undertale. Maybe he's a fan of something you like too, then I guess he'd be something in between cringy and cool, aka a normal friend/person. And I posted that post a week ago. I never attacked anyone, infact you attacked my opinion.
  10. Undertail.. e.e What have the internet become? Owell... I didn't attack him. I attacked the whole cringy fanbase. I can have my opinions on the fanbase just as I can have opinions on the game.
  11. Place a surface as the screen that has a camera as a texture. The camera can be pointed on a little scene going on in the background. It can even include the computer interface if you have all the sprites, screens, gui's and backgrounds as png files.
  12. http://www.getpaint.net You're welcome.
  13. This is actually more of a complaint rather than a suggestion.
  14. Is this even Minecraft anymore?



    :$ Im sorry Notch.


    :I_approve: !#?% you!!


    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Marten


      @EpicJ Whatever dude. I hope a black hole appears in your pants and sucks up your widow.

      @Keep on Chucking  That isn't a mod, I retextured the rail to look like roof. ._.

    3. Keep on Chucking

      Keep on Chucking

      @Marten  well yeah, but you could've used the carpenter mod

    4. Marten


      @Keep on Chucking I don't need to, there's plenty of different rails I can retexture. And I am doing this with no mods whatsoever so that everyone can run this without having to install mods n shit.

  15. 404 image not found.... You need to download the gif and upload it to imgur then repost it. Also great idea.
  16. What do you mean it moves without anyone having to do anything? Is there an animation cycle?
  17. How is this advanced? e.e
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