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  3. , Rig Credit: https://www.mineimatorforums.com/index.php?/topic/93605-v1-ultrakill/
  4. Fover

    Sally Face Rig

    images preview:
  5. Fover


  6. blood is fuel
  7. alejan345


    MANKIND IS DEAD BLOOD IS FUEL HELL IS FULL here is a model i made of V1 of ultrakill, this is my first time modeling and making the texture from scratch so expect texture errors also there's the revolver(marksman and piercer) and the coin https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WsYRhVBDfuoNra0N3YwQ9xQvC8Ovi7Rh/view?usp=sharing
  8. Last week
  9. I have a problem, I tried to use mine imator 2.0.2 and it took 3 HOURS to render the movie when it was only a couple seconds long.
  10. The new 2.0 mine-imator has what you are looking for!!!
  11. After two days of whatever i did, i finally completed surge I might add extra to her. I might make a download or smth like that.
  12. I uh made a Sally Face, Sal Fisher rig Here are some photos: https://imgur.com/GKQ2AVF https://imgur.com/zMwUmK2 And got the jail outfit aswell: https://imgur.com/imnp9rV https://imgur.com/jpaDNez And got his guitar: https://imgur.com/undefined Note: the guitar is not made by me, its from somebody else but I forgot their name, sorry And it got expressions made by me, but dont unhide all the expressions file just the one you want to select, but you dont need to since Sal got a mask. Here is the download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/et600l6knderad1/Sally_face.zip/file (I just learned how to post rigs actually)
  13. code: Direct3D error: GPU device instance suspended: The GPU will not respond to more commands, most likely because of an invalid command passed by the calling application. in CppProject::FrameBuffer::Update:51 Version: 2.0.2 Continuation Build 1.0.3 (Windows 11 Version 2009) (i just move my charaters}
  14. it crashes and says unable to read schematic its in the right version and .schematic not .schem
  15. new effect discovered! depression IV 🤫🧏


    also gayming mine-imator 


  16. been a hot minute since i did something here so take this. the track is not mine, it is originally by Sturm/Churgney Gurgney this is just a vocal cover and also me singing so enjoy my horrible voice


    1. Fover


      damn mr m3m3-chan voice reveal

    2. Mr M3m3~Chan

      Mr M3m3~Chan

      your turn...

    3. Fover


      i cant speak english nihihiha

  17. After hours of more time wasted on surge, i completed the head. Image link here: https://imgur.com/iuxECOu I put it in the animations/Test animations on accident, still kinda new to this.
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