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New release. The Rottweil 72 Shotgun [Olympia for short]




A double barrel shotgun that takes a bold move: a vertical split instead of a horizontal split. Same function, for better accuracy. This one was a little hard to make, because the barrel doesn't exactly work as I had hoped. You will need to fiddle with the barrel a bit to get the best effect. It should extend father out and show both shells inside, otherwise it isn't correct. I'll fix this bug later but it can be managed with not much issues.


Oh, and this weapon uses a custom texture sheet. Substitution of a different texture sheet produces a bad effect.


Enjoy your new toy my precious ones.

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Why in the absolute name of heck have I never, ever looked at this? I am the stupidest person on the forums. *Facepalm of death* Especially cuz I'm one of those girls who likes action/weapons/horror/violence/guns etc. This. Is. So. Dang. Epic. I. Am. Becoming. Incoherent. Please. Someone. Whack. The. Sense. Back. Into. Me. *Whack* Thank you. OH GODS I <3 IT!!! :D +1!

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Why in the absolute name of heck have I never, ever looked at this? I am the stupidest person on the forums. *Facepalm of death* Especially cuz I'm one of those girls who likes action/weapons/horror/violence/guns etc. This. Is. So. Dang. Epic. I. Am. Becoming. Incoherent. Please. Someone. Whack. The. Sense. Back. Into. Me. *Whack* Thank you. OH GODS I <3 IT!!! :D +1!

All is forgiven my child. You are under my wing now.

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New weapon. Futuristic Gatling Gun requested by Azgreth21! (It was a honor)




The intent and info of how this weapon works or even is used is unknown, however I suggest using it as a turret.


Also this weapon has ALOT of tracks. So be prepared for a bit of framerate drop. That is the reason why the weapon is not used in a pose, I couldn't load the custom rig I use for the renders.

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New weapon. Futuristic Gatling Gun requested by Azgreth21! (It was a honor)




The intent and info of how this weapon works or even is used is unknown, however I suggest using it as a turret.


Also this weapon has ALOT of tracks. So be prepared for a bit of framerate drop. That is the reason why the weapon is not used in a pose, I couldn't load the custom rig I use for the renders.

Yes. That is all that is said. Mostly because my Lawyers have advised me otherwise and if I said what I wanted to about what this gun is being used for I'd be in prison. hehehehe

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Yes. That is all that is said. Mostly because my Lawyers have advised me otherwise and if I said what I wanted to about what this gun is being used for I'd be in prison. hehehehe

Unfortunately for you, it has been released to the public. inb4 sued

Edited by ÜberKiller
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In all seriousness mind if I try to make a stand for it to be used as a turret? Kinda like a tripod stand big enough to hold it. I'll attach the minigun and give you full credit for that part.

Just provide credit for the rig itself and it's all fine. I did recommend you do that anyways because I chose not to throw it in because of the requesters image.

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New weapon. Futuristic Gatling Gun requested by Azgreth21! (It was a honor)


The intent and info of how this weapon works or even is used is unknown, however I suggest using it as a turret.

Also this weapon has ALOT of tracks. So be prepared for a bit of framerate drop. That is the reason why the weapon is not used in a pose, I couldn't load the custom rig I use for the renders.

UltimatEpic OAO

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What are you? You are an alien. Your rigs give make other rigs feel sorry for themselves. Whoa! 

I declare


as Ultimate Weapon Smith!

Thanks, however I cannot accept this position. It has yet to be earned, and eventually this topic won't exist and the weapons will become obsolete. Rendering my work useless.


And yet I continue to create guns for you all. Why? I just want you to remember my name.

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Thanks for the mangum! Just could you maybe make a tutorial on how to put them together?

Put them together? Did you load the prebuilt file? It should be in a folder called Magnum Prebuilt and named magnum_prebuilt.mani


But maybe next time, read the whole post so you'd find a link explaining it.

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It didn't give the prebuilt schematic. Sorry.

Try re-downloading it. All the files should be included. When you open the .zip file up, is this what you see?


Yes? Good. Now open the "Mine-imator Halo 4 Magnum" Folder. Is this what you see also?


Great. Now you should see the folder that says: "magnum_prebuilt" Open that folder.


Inside it should include files like this:


If you notice the file: magnum_prebuilt.mani, that's the file you need to load this rig.But first you need to go back out a few steps and unload the folder somewhere; preferably in a place you can remember.


To open the rig this way, open Mine-imator and select the 'import animation' button.


From there, you find the same file we just talked about.


And there you have it. That's how to load most, if not all of my schematics. Just look for the the folder that says "prebuilt" at the end of it. And in some cases, there are multiple. Meaning there are multiple versions.

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Thanks, however I cannot accept this position. It has yet to be earned, and eventually this topic won't exist and the weapons will become obsolete. Rendering my work useless.


And yet I continue to create guns for you all. Why? I just want you to remember my name.

That was pretty deep. To me, you are the best weapon smith.

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New release: The RPG-7


The weapon, also known as the Rocket Propelled Grenade Launcher,is primarily used for instant tank destruction. Also handy for destroying walls and groups of enemies in the wake. The grenade actually opens up upon impact and then detonates using the sheer force from the rocket. Shrapnel is a huge thing to look out for in this weapon and only the skilled in demolition should plan to use it, as it's heavy.

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New release: The RPG-7



The weapon, also known as the Rocket Propelled Grenade Launcher,is primarily used for instant tank destruction. Also handy for destroying walls and groups of enemies in the wake. The grenade actually opens up upon impact and then detonates using the sheer force from the rocket. Shrapnel is a huge thing to look out for in this weapon and only the skilled in demolition should plan to use it, as it's heavy.

I can now take over the world with a minigun and a rocket launcher and countless other guns. Yes.... *claps slowly* ÜberKiller.... You have fufilled your destiny... and your usefulness! *shoots Über with a rocket launcher and steals all his weapons and some blueprints for a space lazer*

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I can now take over the world with a minigun and a rocket launcher and countless other guns. Yes.... *claps slowly* Uberkiller.... You have fufilled your destiny... and your usefulness! *shoots Uber with a rocket launcher and steals all his weapons and some blueprints for a space lazer*

Sounds like the setup for a plot of a movie! also killing me instead of exploiting my abilities is a bad move on your part, but I digress

Edited by ÜberKiller
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Sounds like the setup for a plot of a movie! also killing me instead of exploiting my abilities is a bad move on your part, but I digress

shhhh don't spoiler "Mine-imator armory" The movie... and yes I am a very stupid villain.

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Released the Pulse Rifle from Half-Life 2


Known for being a very powerful offensive weapon, even being equipped standard with a shield. The alternate fire creates a ball that vaporizes every victim it touches. Also it even bounces off of walls and the ground!


It's been fun making these, but I'm going to have to close requests until I finish finals. Thanks for the support, and see you guys this summer!

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