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Here is some things to improve on but slightly good for a first!

1: SCENERY SCENERY SCENERY SCENERY. Ok I just wanted to say that with caps to get it into your head

2: Use transitions or practice a bit more with the movements.

3: It looked like the Steve hit you first

4: At 0:01, it looked like the guy was sliding on invisible ice

I feel like that is all I have to say for my list. Thank you for your time listening to these notes.

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On 2016-07-21 at 0:08 AM, Beefray Rulan said:

Here is some things to improve on but slightly good for a first!

1: SCENERY SCENERY SCENERY SCENERY. Ok I just wanted to say that with caps to get it into your head

2: Use transitions or practice a bit more with the movements.

3: It looked like the Steve hit you first

4: At 0:01, it looked like the guy was sliding on invisible ice

I feel like that is all I have to say for my list. Thank you for your time listening to these notes.

I read #1 twice because I felt it needed some more attention..

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