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  1. Hi, I would like to ask for a small update of the "Bloom" effect in the sense that there would be a possibility that the bloom effect will only be able to work terrain, not on the clouds / sky.
  2. Here is the title card for War for the Lawn. Consider it a teaser if you will. Unedited: Edited: As always, Constructive Criticism is appreciated!
  3. Here is a little poster for my upcoming slapstick comedy short, War For The Lawn. Unedited: Edited W/O Text: Edited W/ Text As always, constructive criticism is appreciated. (And if anyone knows how to use those spoiler sections, please let me know. )
  4. Hi there Now This a Wallpaper For C4D just so is tested via 97% save but make a look a this Mi and C4d! Photo is here: and Gif: XDD good luck for Mc forums
  5. Howdy, This is my latest, and probably last wallpaper for a while. This is a rather subtle-not-subtle reference to a song; I'll give you a cookie if you know what song, even though you're probably just going to Google it. ... Oi, get your cursor away from that damn search bar. Did you read the warning in the title? If so, here's the wallpaper itself: CREDITS: @Dannyboi and @The LuckyFox for their skins.
  6. iiBerry_

    Pig Rig v1

    Hey guys! Today, I'm releasing my pig rig (V1). Enjoy! download: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/q7bz7hyq92kjtbh/AAD7vpN0mR0QGvOVlNkHuQXfa?dl=0
  7. Hey guys! Today, i'm releasing V2 of my minecraft facial rig, this time, you can make it smile or frown, and I added fingers! download (Download all the files): https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ydzu60vo5r1zckg/AADq4uU8Hn7_7_zDMPy4wOfva?dl=0
  8. So basically, FSP is looking for animators. Our projects are slowing down and we're hitting deadlines because our current animators are either offline too much, or they just don't meet the skill requirement. They asked me to audition, because I guess I know things about animation. We have a process for animation, and we're finally starting to feel like we know what we're doing (Pardon CA, that was a little rushed), but none of this is possible, without animators. Basic Requirements Now, we're not looking for newbies, or beginners. We need people who actually know what they're doing, and can effectively animate what we ask of them. I will decline people, and I'm not afraid to tell you that you need to come back after you've improved. Also, you cant be a ****, pretty self explanatory. Payment Once we're getting decent animations out regularly, we'll start looking into partners and ad-sense. Getting paid for your work will come soon after. Getting started Leave a reply with your best work, if I like what I see, I'll send you a message with more information.
  9. Plot: This story takes place in a place called Merana. 10 years after the previous wars where the resistance had won from the rebels, twice. The mechanics created fourty years of peace, but now, a hostile, Mixed-Race group announcing themselves as "The Bindings" is attacking Merana, killing thousands. Form: Name: Age (Has to be 18 or higher): (ignore if binding) Gender: Side: (Rebellion/Binding) (if rebellion)(void if binding) Mech powers (Two maximum): Mech weapons (Two maximum, each arm 1): (if binding)(void if rebellion) Special Abilities(two max): (I.E. Can fly, Can breathe fire) Weapons(two max): (I.E. Sharp tail, Claws) Mech stats/Binding Stats: (You can distribute 16 points) Attack (1 to 10)(How much attack power you have): Defense (1 to 10) (How much armor you have): Speed(1 to 10) (How quick you are): 5+ can fly Heres mine: Name: Satsi Retaffer Age (Has to be 18 or higher): 22 Gender: Male Side: Rebellion (if rebellion)(void if binding) Mech powers (Two maximum): Particle Disruption Field(Drops a small orb, which projects a spherical shield) and Nano Disruption (can heal friendly mechs, damaged enemys Mech weapons (Two maximum, each arm 1): .50 caliber double-mount(left arm), 150mm shell cannon(right hand) (if binding)(void if rebellion) Special Abilities(two max): (I.E. Can fly, Can breathe fire) Weapons(two max): (I.E. Sharp tail, Claws) Mech stats/Binding Stats: (You can distribute 16 points) Attack (1 to 10)(How much attack power you have): 6 Defense (1 to 10) (How much armor you have): 4 Speed(1 to 10) (How quick you are): 6
  10. Yay? My first 1.0.6 crash! ___________________________________________ ############################################################################################ FATAL ERROR in action number 1 of Draw Event for object app: trying to index variable that is not an array ############################################################################################ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- called from - gml_Script_history_destroy_loaded (line 4) called from - gml_Script_action_res_image_load (line 4) called from - gml_Script_action_toolbar_undo (line 18) called from - gml_Script_toolbar_draw_button (line 15) called from - gml_Script_toolbar_draw (line 97) called from - gml_Script_window_draw (line 9) called from - gml_Script_app_event_draw (line 7) called from - gml_Object_app_Draw_0 (line 2)
  11. Hello! I'm working on a UHC animation, but I'm going to need some skins, Please comment if I can use your skin! Bye!
  12. Please some kind soul like to make a rig of my skin for me? already searched the internet , I saw videos but still could not do ; - ; if someone offers ?
  13. DISCLAIMER: I think this only works for people who are having the problem on a 64 bit system Step 1. Go to this link to download the latest version of microsoft c++: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48145 Step 2. Download the x86 version Step 3. Install the x86 version Step 4. Test mine-imator to see if it worked. If it didn't then I don't know because it worked for me.
  14. I need to make a intro for the youtube channel for a friend and he asked me to go counter strike
  15. Wide Open Arena!! One that will be suitable for fighting the Wither!! Kinda Evil Like also
  16. SUITS FOR EVERYONE! I'LL MAKE A SUIT FOR YOUR MINECRAFT CHARACTER! FORM: SKIN:[LINK/"IN SIG"] COLOR: [JACKET - PANTS - TIE] ANY DETAILS:[YOU NAME IT] PICTURES: BALLA DJDJ QUEUE: kellyeverangel Bisharp Amumu Caeden117 Animator_of_Awesmeness MegaCraft Deminu TheRageMinecraft Aronan MineRocker Allemn89 Ao kuchiku-kan DETAILS: sorry if suit does not deliver on time, we're having some problems. thanks for waiting leave a like if you like Terms and conditions by getting a suit you agree to be in a picture of you in your suit in the "pictures" section.
  17. can it be possible in the forums that in the recent topic section there can be a "See All Recent Topics" button,because sometimes i seem to miss something that i get excited for a few days before. Example:
  18. ~•~ Hello, there! Made this for the Herobrine Contest I hope you like it! =D =D ~•~
  19. So, TheVFXBros requested a wallpaper a while back, and I just now got around to doing it... Without further ado...
  20. Yes, yes, I know I said I wouldn't be making any more wallpapers for a while. I didn't make this, Rummy did, so all the likes should go to him.
  21. Today I am doing some rigs for you guys I am a beginner though so don't expect me to have Perfect results. But anyways fill out this form: 1. Main Rigs(Eyes, Eyebrows, Mouth etc) 2. Other Rigs(Hats, Hoodies, Goggles, etc) 3. People in the rig(I can make 4 people at once) 4. Movement/Pose(Walking, Standing, Sitting, Sneaking) Here is a one I made for myself: I can do 1 at a time so please be patient
  22. Free skin. use without permission. Actual skin:
  23. Just a little wallpaper I made for TheColourBlindCuber.
  24. MrPops


    Its strange right? For a super power human to get along with a skeleton huh? Well Jack, hes friendly to all mobs, EVEN the creeper. Enderman, Ehhhh there okay. A bit rough to each other but stil get along. Now what am I talking about? just get along to the picture now. NOW! STOP READING! LOOK AT THE PICTURE DOWN BELOW ! SEE YOUR STILL READING! okay now to the... YOUR STILL READING?!?!? HOW MANY TIMES I HAVE TO SAY!?!? LOOK AT THE PICTURE! STOP READING AND SAVE YOURSELF SOME TIME! DON'T WASTE YOUR LIFE... okay i'll stop typing.... now..... *51 minutes later* hi.. wassup. what were we doing? OH YEAH! STOP READING AND LOOK AT THE PICTURE! NOW!
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