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  1. Introducing the Flexible Facial Rig (FlexFR) "Unleash your Creativity with Flexibility" DOWNLOAD FLEX FR [BETA] FLEX FR 0.2 [Beta] Change : FLEX FR 0.1 [Alpha] Feature :
  2. I made a new version of my Jesse rig. It's Jesse with my face rig, but he has 2D eyes like in the Game. Download Picture with grinning mouth: If you have any model ideas for me, write them in the comments and i will try my best in making it. Always credit me when you use my rigs!
  3. My First Very Owen Face Rig, it don't have mouth rig but this is just a version one of this face rig, for now is just an eye rig here is a rest of my face rig. what do you guys think? pls leave some feedback so i can improve the face rig.
  4. Hey here's the v3 of my facial rig Take a look ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Klss9k0p2oU Here's the download link https://www.mediafire.com/file/sp6y4h08r49ckwd/RFR_v3.rar/file Any feedback is always welcomed
  5. ShotU

    ShotU's Face Rig V4

    Been a while so here's SAFR V4! New Additions: - Bevel Mouth! Bendable but limited (recommended for closed mouth expressions). - Optional braces toggle for gapped teeth! - Optional Blush Styles! Changes: - 90% of the model is comprised of standard planes (Very little 3D surfaces) - Many bends have been tweaked. - Removed unnecessary eye sparkle styles. Credit unnecessary but appreciated!
  6. Hello there. its me, FrostG. so i was making another creation in MB and i want to share it here yea, i make another face rig. anyways before u guys download this rig, maybe u want to read the instruction ! Instruction ! and here an image of my face rig also if there bug on it. you can tell me in comment section here the download link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/wxsyaetyfyuonrw/Non_Alpha_Face_Rig.zip/file
  7. this my first topic idk how i can do face rig please tell me
  8. Hi again. Its me, FrostG so i just make my own face rig in MB and u can use it to your animation Features: Bendable eyelids Sharp mouth(or whatever its called) and uhmmm other (also i add female version from this rig) Link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/e4wdlvtcwyh5qiv/Face_Rig.zip/file
  9. I have updated the Face Rig so here are some of the new features. - Added ears - Added wrinkles - Added a tongue - Changed the eyes a bit - Individual teeth segments now toggleable - Added a 4th sparkle design - Fixed issue with alpha still showing in the eyes and mouth when scaled down to 0 - added another alpha to scale to fix Z-fighting from far distances (an example is in the spoiler below) Segment Teeth toggleable. Credit is appreciated.
  10. Heya, decided to make my own face rig. Full customization ranging from different eye sparkle designs to two different mouth styles. Here's some screenshots below Credit is appreciated. NOTE: There should be a .txt file inside the zip, be sure to read that in order to get the shadows on the face rig to work correctly.
  11. If you are lazy how I am, and you won`t to make A LOT OF SKINS for different eyes (eyes looking left or...) You just need only one skin and then.... no homo then you need to edit your skin just like here. r use it for free! Download
  12. How to make your own face rig? Well, i usually give you a short explanation in the post here, and THEN post the video, but for this one is really long, so i'll try to briefly sum it up. The facial rig works with the use of the alpha glitch. Mess with an object's render depth, so it's rendered first, and when you tune down the opacity, you wont see the object behind it. But if you add another object, whose render depth is even lower, you'll see that object through the first one! With that technique, using surfaces to see through objects, adding inverted cubes right behind them to make it look like there's a hole in your object. Adding pupils and logically parented items/bodyparts to it, you literally "build" your face rig! Anyways, here's the visuals: ~Stay Sharp!
  13. This is my first post and rig that I ever made, if you like it... just tell me.... DOWNLOAD RIG HERE
  14. Hexical Brine's Facial Rig! For Mine-Imator 1.1.4 When changing colours, change the blend. not the mix. Some Emotion Renders Download!
  15. KoolKid Games

    Face Rig!

    I Think I Just Gave Skibbz A Run For His Money. (Im Just Kidding Lol) Anyway, Here It Is! http://www.mediafire.com/file/b2p6c0zrzg4awje/Face Rig.miobject images: Changing The Color Of The 'Pupils' Will Also Change The Color Of The Shine (AKA That Top Bit Thats Whiter)
  16. <Frosty's> //Facial Rig\\ V.2 Finally, i came back for some rigs I Back With some new Features, RemovedFeatures, Updates, and BugFixes >>UPDATES<< - Easier to bend the mouth - Updated where to select the mouth - Added Both bend and Right and left bending options (Example : Both bend is to make the left and right bend at the same time, and for the Right and left option is for you can bend it at the diffrent time) - Easier Eyebrows bends & controls >>REMOVED FEATURES<< - Girls Facial rig ( 'Cuz it bugs the import ) - Eyelashes - Camera Reflections ( LAGS ) >>BUGS<< - Tounge not imported - Where the select is a bug, please remove it "remove the NO" PREV FACIAL RIG >> Pics DOWNLOAD>>https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qcQwBLq5w6ZsG_NQNMFtYLoDmcCmv4Tj/view?usp=sharing Please report some bugs No need credit when used lol i almost forgot the download link
  17. So I finished the rig pack that I announced last night, and it is free for everyone to use. As I said, it features most characters but not all. These are the face rigs featured, with details about each rig. These rigs were made in the mineimator community build, but it should work in all versions. DOWNLOAD: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/616z93csw6uvt/Rigs Zombie Pigman- This rig features movable eyes and to create emotion. On the pigs face it features regular white eyeballs with black pupils, but on the zombie side I used hollow eye sockets to convey the skeleton idea in the skin. Pig- The pig features moveable eyes, and has smaller pupils to represent the lack of intelligence, because it makes the pig look funnier in my opinion. Obviously you can change the size if you disagree. Alex- Alex features the whole face rig. With eyebrows, mouth, and eyes, you can make her talk AND show emotion. Cow- The cow features moveable eyes very similar to the pig, but also has a mouth that it can open, featuring a set of bottom teeth. Sheep- The sheep features only moveable eyes, same as the pig. Wolf- The wolf features moveable eyes, that you can change to red to give the wolf an angry look! I intentionally didn't add a collar, because I didn't find it necessary. The wolf also features a moveable mouth, but other than using rotation as seen in the cow, it uses position changes. Blaze- The blaze features moveable eyes, with fiery pupils to convey the fiery mob. I opened his mouth up, but it isn't exactly rigged to move. I just changed the look. MOOSHROOM- This adorable animal has a face rigged in the eyes, but I made him look stupid, and he's bravely sitting underneath the blaze. Idiot. Ocelot- The ocelot is hidden behind the selfish attention seeking villager priest, but he has a slightly visible eye rig. His eyes can show emotion, blink, and all the works. Steve- Steve has the same rig as Alex, but Steve's rig features a nose cover. The nose cover is a surface over Steve's nose, because I didn't like it, but others do. Steve without the nose cap is in the pic, and without the nose cap I don't really like it. Ghast- The ghast is a simple face rig for the eyes and the mouth, but with no pupils or teeth, because I still wanted the Ghast to have that somewhat blank expression. Wither Skeleton and Skeleton- These both feature eye rigs, but with just the "eyelids" to convey emotion, but they have hollow heads with empty sockets. Horse and Donkey- Both characters feature eye rigs, plus the already included mouth rig. The eyes looked a little strange with the rig, because they were on the side of the horse's/donkey's head. Enderman- The Enderman features a simple eye rig, plus the built in eye rig. I believe I have the eyes brightened a bit, to glow in the dark, but that can be adjusted. Creeper- The creeper features a reverse eye rig, with black eyeballs and white pupils. The creeper can have emotions to fit well with your scene. Villager- The villager is actually a human model with a minecraft skin I got from the skindex. I added a nose to the rig, and also a uni brow, other than that it features the same things as Steve and Alex. The Villager project file features all villager ranks, and each one works with the rig. Witch- The witch has a simple eye rig, but it also has a uni brow. The witch does not have moveable arms like the villager, but I didn't think it was that necessary.\ Zombie- The zombie features an inverted eye rig, with red pupils instead of white. Poor dude didn't bring an umbrella to this photoshoot. Anyways, happy mineimating, and I hope you enjoy this Rig. If you use it in your videos, I would appreciate credit, but I don't demand it. -JPanimatics
  18. Hey Everyone! So as I glance through the forum, I notice a lot of you people out there are looking for specific rigs for your characters. Well, I am making a rig pack for ALMOST all the mobs in mine imator! There are a few I skipped because I was unsure of how necessary it was to have them rigged, but this is just a basic face rig. So the actual pack will be uploaded soon, but this is just an announcement. NOTES For Mine-Imator Community Build, will most likely work with other versions, but I can't confirm. Rigs not included: bats, spiders(and cave spiders), chickens, guardians(and Elder guardians) Ender Dragon, Endermites, Golems(and snowmen), magma cubes, rabbits, shulkers, silverfish, and possibly slime. I know this seems like a lot I didn't do, but looking closely, all it would have done is made for extra work, because these rigs aren't necessary. Rigs will be up soon, and I hope you enjoy them.
  19. chook100

    Face/Hand Rig

    Hello! I personally love mine-imator for a free software. It is just great but one thing, are there any plans to make a face rig/hand rig? That for me would just be the cherry on top of the program. Another feature that is less important than the face rig/hand rig is more versatile movement for mobs such as the enderdragon. Anyone my main question is there any plans to make a face rig/hand rig? That would be great! If not are there any good ways to make a face rig. I have seen the ones where you use blocks and such but is there an easier way? Thanks!
  20. <Frosty> //Facial Rig\\ This Rig Were Made By Myself "But Dont Think Im Stealing From SKIBBZ" I Make This By Myself OKAY?! This Rig Required "Mine Imator Community Build" If You Doesn't Used That You Cannot Use This Rig Anyways Guys Here Some Picture And Here... Some Renders I Made Alright!! DOWNLOAD : -https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B4vAVEhAxwdGSHdoVWpTZUFhLVU?usp=sharing- No Need Credits When Used But If You Credit Me, You're A Good Animator If You Find Any Issues Please Tell Me!! EDIT : This Rig Is Inspired By SKIBBZ "NOT COPYING!!"
  21. ESYT

    ESYT Rig V2

    Rig Includes: -My Character Rig -Rig Templete More features... look here: (Ignore Watermark) Left: ME. Right: Templete Download:http://www.mediafire.com/file/j48snecszte0chm/ESYT_Rig_V2.rar
  22. Updated! New Features: -More Fingers -No Fingers Option -Better Eyebrows Here is what it looks like: Download Mediafire:https://www.mediafire.com/?l2b0970vifpseh9 Download Dropbox:https://www.dropbox.com/s/ot018twbr9tgqb1/EleventySeven Rig V1.5.rar?dl=0
  23. ESYT

    New! ESYT Rig V1

    Download Link: https://www.mediafire.com/?2ru7ro5s55bwzg3 Took me exactly 5 hours, 31 minutes and 15 seconds Features: -Fingers -Face Rig -Eye Sparkles -Extrudsions -and More This is for Mine-imator! (for stupid people out there in these forums)
  24. So with the requests and complaints to add a smile/frown option for the V.1 of this facial rig, I have decided to update the facial rig to have the ability to smile/frown now. That's pretty much the only highlight to this facial rig update. On a side note: I am very aware that KeeponChucking's facial rig is far more convenient and easier to use than this one, but this one doesn't require a modded version of Mine-Imator to use. Plus as usual, there's no need to credit me. It's still a fantastic rig if you haven't checked it out. Anyways, this video will give you a run-down of the features and how the rig works! Sorry, but I'm too lazy to make some gifs, so take a look at these images to see some of the faces you could make with it. The eyelashes are kind of experimental... New! 03/04/2017 > Download Here 217.48 KB < New! 12/29/2016 > Download FIXED Version Here 231.48 KB < New! 03/04/2017 > Not Available Yet < No need to credit if used
  25. Finished a face rig I just need to work on the other things like shirt, pants and stuff like that. Also new hairstyle. Btw the eyes were created by SKIBBZ
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