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Akmal Zonia

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Status Updates posted by Akmal Zonia

  1. Toroko is hard to fight when she's transformed, damn, But Curly's machinegun is so destructive when on level 3


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Akmal Zonia
    3. Akmal Zonia

      Akmal Zonia

      YES. got her machine gun :DDD

    4. Daguex


      I once noticed of a bug with that gun that let you fly... It was awesome xD

  3. So I made a deal with my Friend, he finishes his comics and I print copies Of them

    1. The Tan James

      The Tan James


    2. Akmal Zonia

      Akmal Zonia

      its like avengers,

  4. You guys complain when I show everyone I love her and have the same sig as her, But you guys dont even realize the other couple doing the exact same shiz. (Not hating on the couples tho) Think about yourself

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Rabbit


      You need to remve this.. or lock it.

    3. Akmal Zonia

      Akmal Zonia

      I wont care if i get a warn point.

    4. EndahGurl


      I approve of this status, and same with Zonia, idrc about warnings anymore, we might be leaving soon anyways.

  5. So if you guys want me to be a total ass, sure, try me.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Akmal Zonia

      Akmal Zonia

      I woke up perfectly fine, till the forums struck me.

    3. Aronanners
    4. The Tan James

      The Tan James

      dood what happened?

  6. *boop* lel im offline

    1. TheLamyral


      xD it say your online, lel
    2. Akmal Zonia
  7. Yo mama so stupid, she climbed over a glass wall to see whats on the other side

  8. Im playing Cave story, and I have NO idea how to get pass that red swirly door in egg corridor

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Akmal Zonia
    3. Daguex


      Try to get inside the eggs

    4. EndahGurl


      Playing Cave Story, eh? Yeah, just do what Daguex said, do be careful of that white thing running down below. Insta-kill.

  9. Might think of playing with the mod Grimoire of Gaia. IT LOOKS HARD YET SEDUCING

  10. was checking out the mods for Grimoire of Gaia. My reaction? NOPE.NOPE.NOPE.NOPE.NOPE.NOPE.NOPE

  11. Omg Im such a good rebel. Lololol. YOU CANT GET ME DAD. LOOOOLLLLLL

  12. Honestly, (And probably gonna be hated for saying this) She Looks better with glasses. and Long hair.

  13. Vox, can you try get on Kiujr's server? It needs Crayfish furniture mod and MCA, I want ye to help build a tardis, Ive got the traveling thing working, just need the inside

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Voxy


      What version? Do I need to install Forge? Help me please. ._.

    3. Akmal Zonia

      Akmal Zonia

      1.7.2, forge, all required mods :S

    4. Voxy
  14. Out of all the things I can build in MC, I cant build a Tardis

    1. MustardBlock


      for the love of cringe, don't make any more children with endercringe, pls.

    2. Voxy
    3. Akmal Zonia

      Akmal Zonia

      Block, The hell? Why bring that up Here?

  15. some random yet funny pics I found on imgur: http://i.imgur.com/Ec92pv7.jpg http://i.imgur.com/9OViPZA.jpg

    1. Allemn


      Oy! Too random!

    2. OwenTheAnimator


      Too good. Just need a Mickey mouse and it's perfect!!!111!z :3

  16. Must. Not. Post. 3 topics, in one, HOUR. GAHH I need to post the last art,

    1. EndahGurl


      I've done that before xP

  17. Gurl wat do you mean by this: "Endahgurl/Akmal for all we know are actually 60 year old men in a bar, stalking each other." I dont follow. :S

    1. Ocelot


      I mean that in an internet relationship, the girl may as well be a 60 year old man and you would have no idea.

    2. Ocelot


      No offence was intended, It's just my opinion.

    3. TheLamyral


      They see themselve on skype >_>

  18. Why is EndahGurl and me such a huge topic?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Notorious TheRageMC

      Notorious TheRageMC

      Akmal Zonia

      "Why is EndahGurl and me such a huge topic?"


      "It is because you're a couple in the Internet. That's what I called NetLove."

    3. tditdatdwt


      why are you acting all oblivious

    4. Ayhay


      Let me ask this question... again... And bring some more attention...

  19. So I just watched Sword Art Online II's most recent episode. DAMN KIRITO YOU SUCH A GENTLEMAN

  20. How do we change the rotation point of a block again?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bisharp


      Right tab, somewhere near the parenting option

    3. Rabbit


      Err.. right here when you click on your block http://puu.sh/aLxsI/4dfa4f4300.png

    4. Akmal Zonia

      Akmal Zonia

      ah apparently, I cant edit the rotation point for Doors. so the door rotates in the center. THatas awkward, thnx tho guys :D

  21. time to continue makin the Halloween scene

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