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Everything posted by Shah

  1. Don't worry about him, Alfred buried him beneath in the batcave and the bats residing there salute him every day. (Dang I miss ZZZZane so much ;-;)
  2. Have you tried using the VLC player?
  3. Happy birthday, bro! Sorry about being a little late, school and stuff. :) 

    1. Emunator


      Thanks man! No Problemo :)

  5. Looks nice, but the intro annoys me.
  6. I'm changing my member title to "Mine-imator's J.J. Abrams". xD

  7. You will be missed, ZZZZane.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shah


      @abdullah1579 The batmobile malfunctioned and ran him over. Alfred buried him and burned the batmobile.

    3. toaster1
    4. Ocelot
  8. Great comic! Dunno why you don't have alot of likes, I see much work has been put into this! Especially for the rigs and various accessories.
  9. Woohoo, another rant. All right. The Iraq invasion killed over a million people, alot being being innocent children. Western Media has made people naive, and led people to believe that the religions based around that invasion were no enemies. If western media had spoke the truth, Christianity would probably be the biggest enemy to this day. Let us compare this to the Paris Invasion. ISIS goes and kills 130 people. 215,000,000 results on Google, where as the Iraq invasion only has 45,500,000 results. Now Muslims are being seen as terrorists, albeit killing only a very small percentage of people compared to the war in Iraq. Nowadays, everyone is nitpicking on what Muslims are doing. "Oh, it seems like they are hiding their face from us, it's very confronting", that was probably the stupidest thing I've heard to date. People don't realise that it's part of our religion. Trump wants to ban Muslims from the US, when they themselves have done worse. The Iraq invasion isn't even named a terrorist attack, even though they have killed more than 165,000 innocents. I know this is a very controversial statement, however I wanted to talk about my opinion on the matter.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Frossa


      Saying that Western media in general is biased is failing to recognize the nuance you probably want me and other anti-theists to recognize in the Islamic community.

      That being said, all media is biased. Islamic propaganda exaggerating or fabricating the cruelty of American troops isn't the purest form of truth either. The whole Western world versus the Islamic world phenomenon is an incredibly complex situation with many gradients that's almost impossible to comprehend, and it's definitely not best explained by portraying one of the sides as warmongers and liars.

    3. Shah


      @abdullah1579 I have seen so many websites about Muslims out of curiosity, and most of the people who post there are uneducated pricks who ramble on in an incoherent manner. 
      Look at this interview with a SENATOR in Australia, Jacqui Lambie makes me feel bad about being human.


    4. toaster1


      Jesus son of Mary, that was painful to watch! :S

      (also I'm loyal to the Aussie constitution as well as Sharia. I was born in Sydney after all xD)

      Also I want to mention that @Frossa's statement is right. I've seen guys from both sides and well, let's just say the chaps on the "extremist Islamic" side have no idea what they're talking about or what Sharia actually is.

      Some of them actually think they're not allowed to drink cold water because it wasn't available to Mohammed at his time! Seriously, they drink hot water only! And you know what else? Some of them preach that you can't eat cheese without nuts! I get that it's a good combination, but taking it this far?! What is this madness?! :blink:

      People of this mindset and sense of "rationality" can't be trusted to speak in the name of Islam!

  10. The movement is all good, but the body fluidity is a little sketchy. Try moving the knees up and the body to the side. Increase the distance between strides, to make him look like he's going faster.
  11. Dang, this thing is sweeeettttt. (Remember that this is Australian currency, so it's pretty cheap tbh.)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. toaster1


      $1699 AUD is $1186.64 USD, btw (according to the exchange rates last updated 21 minutes ago. $1 USD = $1.43177 AUD)

      Still an awesome computer tho. "(Windows 7 available on request)" Damn straight m8

    3. Shah


      @Decepticon Send me a link...? The PC you're talking about costs $1001 AUD.

    4. Emunator


      That is pretty cheap compared to some computers here. Good job finding that at that price! :P

  12. Beds holding objects will get 6 likes? Dang, I wish I could fish reputation like that.
  13. Will context be added in further scenes, because I don't really understand what's happening.
  14. I really hate wallpapers that have no effort and are created purely for gaining reputation. Lazily created, however praised and loved by narrow minded people. Is that how the world is now? I feel extremely sorry for those who create magnificent pieces of art and aren't noticed at all, for example @Sonor makes meaningful wallpapers but gets around 10 likes, give or take some. I put blood, sweat and tears (not literally xD) into my wallpapers but they usually get barrelled down in the topic feed. I spend time making rigs and bringing fresh content only to be called a SKIBBZ copy. Many people previously popular in early 2015 and all around 2014 have disappeared into oblivion, albeit creating some of the most amazing Mine-imator content of all time. @Correen was a fantastic animator, and created the best Mine-imator Batman animation I've ever seen. His editing skills were on point, his camera work was outstanding. His animation was quite rigid however mostly in a good way. I was flattered that he used my 0.7 rig for his animation. @Rabbit, previously known as Phinkleputt, isn't nearly as popular as was before, but he still makes great artwork. He made really great animations too! So, just for a minute, I'd like you all to commend all of our fallen comrades. *salutes*

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. SDWAN


      @Shah god damn those are a lot of lens flares. at least they're not blinding

    3. Shah


      @SDWAN Now ya know what I mean. :P 

    4. Rabbit


      @Shah Mine-imator's J.J Abrams!

  15. I had a dream about @tditdatdwt becoming a moderator. Let's say it definitely didn't end well. xD

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shah


      @tditdatdwt I was banned for a few days, and after being unbanned I was banned again and it became this repetitive loop. I messaged David and he was just like 'lol' and at that point the dream ended. :P You also banned Allemn (your true match, dunno why'd you do that).

    3. tditdatdwt


      I would never ban Allemn.

    4. Shah


      Yeah, I know. I dunno why I dreamt of that.

      #tditdallemn89 is a great ship name

  16. Lemme get you the definition of sarcasm real quick. sarcasm ˈsɑːkaz(ə)m/ noun the use of irony to mock or convey contempt. "she didn't like the note of sarcasm in his voice" synonyms: derision, mockery, ridicule, satire, irony, scorn, sneering, scoffing, gibing,taunting;
  17. *eyes bleed onto new keyboard that was bought yesterday*
  18. Is this SKIBBZ stuff supposed to be a joke? If it is, it's not coming across as funny as you thought it would.
  19. Split the schematic up into parts?
  20. omg u use mineimater wow you skibbz copy!!!1!!!!!111 *insert unorthodox hate here*

    Seriously though, how popular can members grow that someone will find the tiniest similarities and call someone a content thief? You have a character rig, you've copied. You use After Effects, you've copied. You have a nice animation style, you've copied. You've posed your character in a SKIBBZ-esque way (an actual post mind you).

    We are now coming to the point where we are creating TERMS for things that we think are SKIBBZ-related. Heya, I used a term there even. People are so caught up on findings hateful things to post it's unbelievable. And writing the post in a way which will undoubtedly get you likes from your hateful friends pisses me off even more. One other thing, when someone posts something hateful, everyone else seems to agree and gang up on the victim? It's like people who are generally nice suddenly have a bully mentality or something. Anyway, if you read all of this, kudos to you bro. 

    1. Varen


      SKIBBZ copied Pewdiepie

      SKIBBZ has an I in his name Pewdiepie has an I in his name

      SKIBBZ plays Minecraft, Pewdiepie played minecraft

      SKIBBZ is a youtuber, Pewdiepie is a youtuber

    2. MineRocker Animations

      MineRocker Animations

      The Z in SKIBBZ has 2 triangles in it.

      SKIBBZ is loomynarty cunfurmd. :P 

  21. Changing the colour of schematics could give you a desired result.
  22. Is this supposed to remind me of Fate/Zero?
  23. This was a bad idea. Actually, let me rephrase-- This was a REALLY bad idea.
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