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Status Updates posted by Dannyboi

  1. RIP YTMND, never spent much time there but it seems it was a pretty cool place and a staple of the early internet.

  2. I don't like Discord that much, if I had absolutely no reason to be there I'd probably give it up immediately.

    It's convenient, it's simple and easy but it's a service. Staff of Discord have control over the whole thing, it's unencrypted (so I've heard) and they could probably look at your DMs. If they can then they'd probably do it within reason, of course. It's still nice to have privacy.

    You also need to abide by restrictive terms of service. A lot of them aren't a problem, but some of them can be. You can't modify the Discord client or use your own account's user token for anything.

    I use a lot of low-power systems because I don't have enough money to buy faster ones. Discord is based on a Chromium instance (even the non-browser client) so it can be incredibly slow and eat a lot of RAM sometimes. Running my normal daily programs without Discord? About 72 MB is allocated to them. With Discord? Chews up my whole 4 GB and sometimes flows into SWAP when I have my browser open.

    I honestly don't know what alternative I would use to Discord if I stopped using it. Probably IRC. It isn't encrypted but you aren't limited to a single bulky client and bound by a service.

  3. In two days I've finally learned how matrices work. If you put your mind to something then you can probably do it. Before this I was practically scared of matrices and now I think they look cool. The name also makes them sound cool.

  4. I haven't done anything useful lately and frankly I didn't intend to but I may be dropping something quite interesting soon, you may be able to judge by my recent status updates.

  5. If you ever feel you need a break then you probably do need a break. Having said that I think it's a good idea I have a lie down now.

  6. I'm going to be unavailable from the 27th to the 29th. If you need anything, ask somebody else.

  7. I'm back from holiday, lovely. Time to deal with all this again.

  8. I love FreeBSD. It's hard to use but gives you an awesome level of control you see with not many other OSes.

  9. Well, summer has started for me. I can't say I'm at all that happy but that means I have 6 weeks of work time with only very rare interspersed interruptions. I might do something cool, who knows?

  10. NO WHERE I WAKE UP not hong kong AAAAA

  11. I miss Reza Chaniago Hartono W. Walandouw Singh Khafadi. Hardware Acceleration Unlimited FPS Mode Non-Lag Features Mine Imator 1.2.7 Updates New Request Official should've been out on the 15th of March. I guess we'll never see it.



  12. Looking through HeYoNia's old posts at 3 AM, perhaps one of the funniest decisions a human could ever make.

  13. Welcome back.

  14. Holy moly macaroni! This is the best day ever! Better luck next time... when you will probably be the age I am now.

  15. Happy birthday!

  16. And the same one bites the dust another time.

  17. Thanks for my 300th rep!

  18. So how is your "Online Mine-Imator" going so far?

  19. can i have an un-capitalised question with no question mark

  20. Keep on doing whatever it is you're doing because whatever it is you're doing is giving you reputation.

  21. Gonna need to change your 'About me' section buddy. :D

  22. hrepy breday travis mc I hav fnartt fo yu bro


    lung liv travic mc d00d kewl pro art

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