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Achroma MC

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Status Updates posted by Achroma MC

  1. What I think of Forum couples: you never know if one of them is cheating on the other IRL. :P

  2. Happy Out-of-the-womb day! xD

  3. 3 statues done, 29 more to go...

  4. Here's the skins for the staues I'm using for a parkour map. :P : http://i.imgur.com/ifr6BJ6.png

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. MustardBlock


      ^^^^ me neither :'c

    3. Caeden117


      Where's my hat ._. The only thing that I want added to 1.7

    4. Achroma MC

      Achroma MC



      **Adding both**

    1. Artleck


      Just perfect! SAving that gif! Also Jontron FTW!

    2. EndahGurl


      Watched this so many times xD

  5. **Random comment to hide Erndahmen's**

  6. There! Finally got my profile picture working. (Credit to Stevepocalyptic for the gun texture)

  7. I hate the 50kb profile picture limit. :S

  8. Can you give me your skin that you used in your profile pic? I'm going to make a Minecraft map, and I need as many people as I can. Credit will be given, of course! (Why does this sound like an advertisement?)

    1. Notorious TheRageMC

      Notorious TheRageMC

      That doesn't sound like Advertisement.

      Of course you can use my Kirito GGO Skin. Don't forget to give credits.

    2. Achroma MC

      Achroma MC

      Where do I find it? I've searched through your profile, can't find a link or image. :S

  9. Making a parkour map... With statues of about 50 forum members... I'm already tired of just getting the skins. :P

  10. Do you still have that ZackKevin skin you made from your Chat Comics? I sorta need it to make something.

    1. Ayhay


      Mhm I never delete skins I've been given permission to use once before or had to recreate -.-". Here: http://i.imgur.com/lO4ec57.png

    2. Achroma MC

      Achroma MC

      Okay. Thanks! :D

  11. Plot Twist: The Great Wall of China was used to protect people from titans.

    1. NoHayTroblemo


      Oh my god you genius.

    2. Notorious TheRageMC

      Notorious TheRageMC

      Attack on Titan: Chinese Edition!

  12. I've never been on a roller-coaster, and I've never tasted cotten candy... Am I missing our on somethin'?

    1. AlecAnimates


      YOU'VE NEVER?!?!?

  13. Can anybody help me grief Nofftopia? :P I'll like some help.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. ThePortable



      True, true...

    3. Mineupfast


      No one is aware that the owner of Nofftopia bans you almost the minute you do something.

    4. ThePortable



      Or a mod, they're super fast

  14. To grief Nofftopia on my last day to make the best of it, or have hope that more people would come on more? Eh. Grief it.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Allemn


      Why you want to grief the server?

    3. Peanutbutter Timelord
    4. ThePortable


      The godess Nemesis is controlling me, I must get revenge on that server!

      But no, seriously, don't grief it

      I don't like the server, but don't grief

  15. Er mah ger suermbodai reemehke teh tup "Mien-imehtur furoms" immage wiht 1.0.0 plz

    1. tditdatdwt


      its not even out yet

    2. Achroma MC

      Achroma MC

      usse teh deemu den

      unluss we chould usse teh ful verzion curentlee reeleeseed.

  16. xD... The reactions of some people...
  17. So, I was watching MLP and I noticed something: http://i.imgur.com/0ulcTIk.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lumie


      Friendsship is HITLAR !

      no jk, but what can the do ? they don't have fingers.

    3. CoolElf


      omg...i nu it

    4. Hax4Ever


      mlp is bad 4 u. you need to go on a diet.

  18. Okay... So I convinced someone on the forums to give me their full name. 1 suspect down, 23309 more to go.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Caeden117


      I will never tell you!

    3. ZZZZane


      5 768 members, but 23 309 more people to ask on the forums. What

    4. Achroma MC

      Achroma MC

      At the URL link, it says the member count and member name. Dynamite119 was the newest member, and was #23310. Since I already got somebody down, minus one. That was my original idea. But, since I forgot about that feature, I forgot to check it. So, 5,767 more people to go, I guess.

  19. I'll take a potato chip, AND EAT IT!

    1. General Custard

      General Custard



      best quote ever

      so gud

      inspirational to all


    2. TheLamyral
    3. Achroma MC

      Achroma MC

      Just so you know, this quote is from Death Note.

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