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Everything posted by Ninjabee_Redtricity

  1. Guess you could say,it can be used for animated visual,anyway, not bad L:
  2. I got this piece of paper laying around,But Im too lazy to finish it.


    sorry if anyone cringes...


  3. Uh oh! whats it gonna say?! btw, Rig looks good, though IMO, it seems a bit too detailed, not a bad rig, but for MC, IDK if its fits, either way, its not my job to tell people what people should put in their animations :/
  4. I shouldn't be surprised that no-one has found the hidden in my Entry collab,well, entry, its hidden pretty well

  5. Big fan of your creativity,rigs and wallpapers.L: Though your animating needs work :/
  6. Its not just you,its Mine-imator and its community in a whole :/
  7. An issue I see is it doesn't have any sort of diagonal blocks on the edges of the face, So, Im not sure how its supposed to give any sort of emotion :/
  8. Im going to revive back my about me topic,but this time, Im probably going to stick with a single WP per question instead :/

  9. How about this? I can't really argue their,but next time, il just use sound effects from what i got then scything a transformers, well, transformation
  10. After a week and a half of lazyniss,I finally spent a good amount of time into this entry, Enjoy . can you find the hidden David? Made this for @Tiedemies1's Entry collab,check out this page if you feel like joining. My apologies for breaking 30 seconds..:/ and yes,I have a music less version for him. Credits
  11. what about a Light-saber?[this can count on almost any Sci-fi/fantasy Energy blade]
  12. so what would a modern pistol classify? Heh,nice pun:D
  13. I know,but it just shows the Animator is lazy and can't do a proper character pose
  14. The Leg posing was well, bad...:/
  15. I see were you're going, I would say move her a little to left, If the charterer was the main highlight of the wallpaper, don't see why you shouldn't let her be in the way of the moon.
  16. For some reason, the lack of the Entire subject in the WP bugs me. Either way, nice job with the effects L: Let me guess,is she some kind of vampire?
  17. Keep it as a lesson to NEVER keep a characters legs like that, EVER!
  18. Now this looks like a pretty useful rig Copies grass all over the Scenery for 5 hours however,the main issue I find, is the fact that its not effected by wind :/
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