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Everything posted by SupersonicXX9

  1. that sentence would be completely* accurate if we were talking about melee
  2. Working on a 2.5D Shovel Knight animation test. (good ol sprites)

  3. Hi there everyone, I'd like to teach you a bit about ripping sprites for Mine-imator use, and how to make every sprite have the same general position on the image, so that you can use image swapping with surfaces MUCH easier with sprite sheets that use variable Width and Height. If you can find a way to do the Photoshop portion of it in programs such as GIMP and Paint.net, PM me and I'll add it to the post, okay? Step 1: Going the easy route. Step 2: Choosing a Sprite Sheet. Step 2.5: Fixing the Background. Step 3: Ripping the Sprites with ASU Step 4: Resizing in Bulk. Hope this helps anyone that wants to animate with sprites in Mine-Imator. Have fun!
  4. We tried. If you're talking about the other bug (the lines) then yeah, I'll try it. But that square in the middle of the floor's lighting, we tried literally everything. I even modified how it (the background was constructed. It used to be an inverted cube, then I changed it to repeating blocks.
  5. Yes, I'm showing a WIP for this. Purely so that I have content to post. CC is appreciated, keep in mind those legs at the end are unanimated, along with the (currently) last jump, due to a rollback caused by a computer crash. Essentially, this is the latest backup of the project. Also, the lighting is bugged. It's not a graphics driver/card issue, as I had Über look at the project and we had the exact same problem.
  6. I DON'T EVEN... i'm gonna post an emote down below this in an edit soon so keep your eye out pls reason it's not there now is because i need to make it
  7. Über forgot to turn off render mode before changing the point light detail to insane. His computer just crashed.

  8. Nice rig. you're welcome
  9. I made Shovel Knight themed emoticons* to use! :D


    1. JjCinemas


      i used them, thank you ;u;

  10. I do the same, just I have them on Dropbox. also
  11. - F O R S H O V E L R Y - nice wallpaper.
  12. SupersonicXX9

    Casual Rig

    I'm just saying he should place it in the Wallpapers/Art section because rigs is a section where you post resources for others to use. I'm not telling him to place a download link. Of course, he can't change sections now that it's posted, but you know.
  13. SupersonicXX9

    Casual Rig

    Erm, Effusion, Jackoo is right. I used to have people on my case about that, and I just kinda stopped doing it. If it's a rig without a download, just showing it off, it should go in Wallpapers/Art, because the Mine-imator Resources section is about posting resources for people to download and use. Whether it be rigs, skins, textures of any kind, particles, etc., this section is about posting things for others to use.
  14. I'll probably be joining. Expect a clip from me in the next couple days maybe, but probably before the current deadline.
  15. I am loving the ability to use a cover photo. Go ahead and check my profile if you want to see my cover photo :L

  16. I don't think there's enough movement in that body. Turning it a bit further or giving it a bending motion that is very subtle on some frames, going back and forth. Also, I do believe that's not a very fast run. His legs should reach further, allowing the run to progress at a higher speed.
  17. So, as some people might know from the status I posted, or from being one of my friends from skype, My pc was wiped and I spent last night getting updates and a few games back. Not fun. Lost several rigs, and I lost various WiPs. However, I've got a WiP that I had uploaded to Youtube to preview it to some people. Take a look. please not I am only posting this because I lost the project. Please note that I am only posting this in this section because I lost the project, and this is all that remains of said project.
  18. Agh, I'm happy I've still got a pc to work on.. but sadly, it was wiped. Lost all of my rigs except for that in which I have in my dropbox. What a shame. I also lost several animations.

    1. JjCinemas


      Did you lose the HUDs and the joint? 

    2. SupersonicXX9


      Those things are still in existence, as they were in my dropbox.

  19. how to be good at rigging: step 1. pay attention to detail. it's not like everybody knew this or anything

  20. it's actually not fluffy to (somewhat) fit the first image I sent. That's actually the image that made me do this rig.
  21. You mind if I join? meanwhile in the land of pointless questions: "I sense a disturbance in the force."
  22. da bes squud arund c:
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