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Cybernetic Cinema

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Status Updates posted by Cybernetic Cinema

  1. I always wondered if there ever will be someone to actually go in the chatroom and, you know, chat. I've gotten my answer, but it is not what I expected xD Eh, better then speaking to a brick wall (I mean afk people)

  2. Why is it so hard to collaborate with people? And another note, what the heck happened to me xD Everyone who started at pretty much the same time has gotten significantly better at animating?!?!? I feel like a maker of a frikin silent film back in the days when people actually piled into a movie theater... although my section has no one in it besides an employee that brought in some darn buttered corn in a bag. HEY YOU THERE, STOP GETTIN BUTTER ON THE SEATS!

  3. That moment when you finish and miss the deadline: kpcNz5X.jpg?1

    (this is how I feel right now because I did not post an animation) ;-;

  4. Since I make long animations, should I post every 2 weeks, or 1 week? o.O

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cybernetic Cinema

      Cybernetic Cinema

      Well I am asking because I don't want to use all of the animations at once then cause a dark age for my channel yet again losing people to entertain, and  I do not want them too wait too long and leave thinking I have given up on animating.

    3. GOZZE


      Anytime you want,as SDWAN said.

      I choose quality over quantity   :3

    4. Cybernetic Cinema
  5. Lord cat almost had me, but I've escaped :3

    1. Lord Cat

      Lord Cat


  6. I wonder if their will be chance that they might add an average of people usually online

  7. Don't you hate it when you start a project then procrastinate on it for a while? (2 months while)

    1. Aronanners


      Very much yes.

    2. BOOMmaker


      This is remedied by applying two terms to your behavior: "Self-discipline" and "perseverance". 

  8. Oops messed up on the running cycle gotta have to start all over ;-;

  9. Is an animator still considered good if they do not do cinematic renders or fancy artwork?

    1. Nimi
    2. SDWAN


      well yeah... I dont see why those qualify though

    3. Cybernetic Cinema

      Cybernetic Cinema

      This question was asked purely for personal thoughts, the answer is technically no of course but others might see to it differently. Those were some really quick responses O_O

  10. I post an animation and lose a subscriber, my feels xD

  11. Woot, I finally got a new name for my channel and profile, welp now all I need to do is artwork and redo the intro...

  12. School is awesome is it not? Who can give me a good time they had at school, it can be anything :3 (Them random questions dough)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ethaniel


      Idk but I guess its better than mac

    3. Cybernetic Cinema

      Cybernetic Cinema

      Pc vs. Mac :P Who will win?!?! o_o

    4. Japnoo


      @Ethan. my school still uses windows 98...

  13. Why can no one make a decent multiplayer horror game? I mean I can't really complain because I barely even know the most simplest of code, but come on people, get your head in the game :3

  14. I feel as though I tricked myself into making machinima-like side animations. 0_0

    Eh, it's going to be fun making either way.

  15. For anyone who needs help with their walking, you can go to: http://www.mineimatorforums.com/index.php?/topic/39501-smooth-walking-tutorial/

    1. Cybernetic Cinema

      Cybernetic Cinema

      Man I hope this is not a warning point xD

  16. WOOT FINISH DA ENTRY, now I need to do that walk tut and wait till saturday

  17. What day are mostly everyone in mineimator on?

  18. I wonder if I did my "mind the wall" entry for nothing :/

  19. Haaaalp, I am a nooby audio person ;-;

  20. Who can guess what my pic stands for? (it was terrible name which will soon be replaced)

    1. SubthekidFTW


      Cookie Donut Films?

    2. Cybernetic Cinema

      Cybernetic Cinema

      would have been funny but sadly no

  21. If I was not in creeper's collab then I would have a long enough animation for my channel :3

  22. Ok I just want to say one thing, when doing a walking animation, dont try to flatten the whole foot on the ground because if you look at the way a person walks you would see that the heel is most of the time the first thing that touches the floor

  23. mind the gap... mind the wall... mind the block?

    1. NoHayTroblemo


      mind the water.

      Mind the mind.

      Mind the fire tornado that will kill you.

    2. TheGoku7729


      Mind the lava


  25. anyone looking forward to Springtrap eggs?

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