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Status Updates posted by Inactive

  1. http://imgur.com/F3REsyv

    what do you guys think?

    1. Emaniplex


      Throw that thing back in the sewer.

      (If the arms bend without morphing horribly, you've succeeded)

  2. Are there any Futurama Character Rigs? If so can someone link them?

  3. Should I move to the Baritone or stay with the trumpet?

    1. KicksBrickster


      As a trumpet player myself, I'd say stick with it. Unless you have a hard time playing high notes. Like me.

  4. How do you add a glow effect to a block or item?

    1. MobKiller Animations

      MobKiller Animations

      Only way i know is make the block and change the brightness up and attach it to the scenery where the block originally is


  5. How do you add a glow to an object?

  6. Should I upgrade to Windows 10?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Garnet638


      Dont. It has a whole ton of horrid features. Look it up

    3. RedcapCreations


      Only problem I've had with it is that if your audio files finish playing you have to re open the file to play it again (unless you loop)

    4. Emaniplex



      It might run on this... So that's a huge deal...

  7. Where did the recent topics go?

    1. SDWAN


      Right above ya

    2. Scot


      on my pocket

  8. I'm finally joining the Marine Cadets!! I'm really excited:D

    1. SKIBBZ


      Go get em', tiger!

  9. only 48 more questions to do for homeworkimg]ELO2kkw.png

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SKIBBZ


      Ew, that would've been a living nether realm for me. 

      I had one like that but it usually was about 10-12 algebra questions every day. EVEN on a Friday, that's cold. 

      I got a good 6-8 during class depending on how complex it was. 

    3. Inactive


      I try to finish it during class but she gives out more homework if you finish it.. T-T

    4. SKIBBZ


      Write all your answers but don't tell her you're done or write it on a separate sheet and finish it during free time or some other time. Or go slow and finish it when the bell is nigh. 

  10. It's getting pretty annoying when a lot of rigs are fn af.. I mean don't we have enough already?

  11. Can anyone please give me a link to a portal gun rig? The search feature is broken :/

  12. Just got Windows 10:D

    1. Allemn


      I might be full of bugs.

  13. I just got braces :|

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mooshim


      Brace yourself...

    3. Ocelot


      I got mine off recently, lemme tell you, it is SO worth it :D

    4. Mooshim


      I never needed braces... Nor did Blox.
      From what I see, I believe I should be thankful.

  14. Today is not a good day :/

  15. You can like statuses now? Wow this is nice

    1. Inactive


      Wow you can also ignore and follow users

  16. Oh. my. god. This looks amazing!!

  17. Happy Birthday!

  18. tfw your friend gifts you ark but your computer is too slow D:

  19. I completely forgot about the Escape Collab -_- All wallpapers will be due tomorrow at 3:00 EST, no exceptions. Sorry for being too harsh but it has been more than a week for a wallpaper.

    1. ÜberKiller


      That is actually harsh. The last wallpaper collab had a whole month. People like to have time for attention to detail. You take that away and the wallpapers don't exactly get better.

    2. Inactive


      @Über Oh... I actually did not know that. I thought they had around 2 weeks. I'll extend the due date for the last time. The due date for the Escape Wallpaper Collab will now be moved to July 15, 2015. This will be the final date and all entries will be due that day. This is more than a month and hopefully I will not have to move it anymore.

  20. 4 more likes until 200! Woohoo!

    1. Nicolasev


      47 more likes until 1000! WOOOOOOOOO !!!

    2. KindZax


      100,000 more likes until 100,660!!! :D

    3. Nicolasev


      @Legodude01 Noooo, you won ;n;

  21. All wallpapers for the Escape Wallpaper Collab due today at 6:00 PM EST

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Skjold
    3. Caeden117


      Can you extend it just a bit? I'm done yet I'm not on the computer so I can't upload it

    4. Inactive


      @Caeden I'll extend it to Monday the 22nd of June

  22. What do you think? The whole thing was made in pdn( paintdotnet ) http://imgur.com/DbujP1F

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Inactive


      @Marty I'm not the greatest rigger but if I was better I would definitely help you

    3. Marty McFly

      Marty McFly

      @Termo A great rigger is helping me with the body, it's the details I am going to build :)

    4. Inactive


      @Marty that's awesome! I hope it's as awesome a real delorean

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