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Devin Manning

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Everything posted by Devin Manning

  1. Isn't this the Problem that PMC has... it's just opens up to Maps, Mods, Skins, and Even More
  2. Animation is Bad... and I recommend you to get a different video editing software but mainly you need to work on your animating skills, practice makes perfect though
  3. Alot of the Kids on this forum are going to be like 'Boobz"
  4. I haz rully op bow boot cen oly bee (Wheres the Bee Emoticon when you need it?) oozed wehnce (Wehlugi Tiem) uvy fev decedz Intentional Bad Grammar has no Errors
  5. Why doesn't that work as well as it used it? Mike back away from me right now!
  6. Looks kinda lazy to me... but it's still good
  7. It's just still images... or at least that's all I see
  8. If you still need players use my skin how ever you want... but if i'm a random player who just ends up not lasting then you can't... I'm Just kidding I suck as Skywars so do what you want with the skin
  9. Yes it is, it's so glorious! I can just sense the time an effort that went into making it!
  10. Not Good... sorry bud and Mine-Imator 1.0.0 won't help... but keep trying and trying and you will someday make something good and then look back and say "Yep, I remember that"
  11. Didn't expect the scare to happen that fast so it scared me... like 1% Lame scare but it did manage to at least do something
  12. Better than the Other one I saw here... I might use it
  13. The Purple Man... he's coming for you... RUN! BEFORE YOU BECOME... oh no...AHHH! ~The Tape ends Here~
  14. Looks so good... as if it's not even made in Mine-Imator!
  15. YEAH I DO! But leave mine un rigged as I don't like my skin being rigged Edit: Thanks for letting my skin be in the animation!
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