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Visual Designer
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Everything posted by Voxy

  1. Isn't that nice when you design something, and then some guy just uses your ideas and turn them into some abominations?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. tditdatdwt


      lol whoopsies

    3. Ayhay


      Reminds me of my signature, that blocklocker created and then I refined to suit more of my needs. And then threestooge's/Alex's signature.

    4. Voxy


      It's really sad to see that original ideas usually don't last for long.

  2. New design, people! \o/

    1. david
    2. Rabbit


      Amazingly Beautastic!

  3. Alright guys, The Glorious David allowed me to show you an exclusive video that shows you how animations will look like in 1.0.0. Enjoy. http://youtu.be/OPh40_b-LZY

    1. Defsharp


      Oh my god, amazing, Davve.

    2. Emunator


      Not very exclusive if the video has been out for months. Unless The Glorious David actually makes an animation with it, it's not really that exclusive IMO. :P

    3. TheWingedDemon


      Are Characters Gonna Look The Weird In Mine-imator 1.0.0....

  4. Ok, so I just won a free unlimited Minecraft server that will last for 31 days. \o/

    1. KrisFirebolt
    2. EndahGurl


      Free contradictions for a dollar!

    3. Voxy


      By unlimited, I mean unlimited slots/RAM.

  5. Well, to be honest, I'd rather have some texture overlapping (That I can easily fix with Photoshop, but I know that will be difficult to do on an animation) than having weird stretchy arms. But of course, that's not the case for everyone else. o3o
  6. Is there a way to apply smooth bending without having to stretch the body part?
  7. Thank you guys for the 100 reputation points! (Congratulations Spidey, you gave me the 100th "+1"!)

  8. Having a more complete screenshot exporting tool would be very useful for people like me, who does lots of rendering using Mine-imator. Here's how the new option could look like: There's a few options. The first one allows you to choose the screenshot size, very useful if you want to create high-resolution renders when you have a small screen on your computer. The" anti-aliasing" option will smooth the edges of the picture, greatly improving it's quality. However, I don't know if Game Maker supports that. A workaround could be forcing the software to create a screenshot twice as big to shrink it down at the required resolution. The "transparent sky" option will simply remove the sky, the sun/moon and the clouds from the current screenshot. And finally, you can choose to disable shadows from the screenshot if you want.
  9. The AMA thread is BACK!

  10. My AMA thread will be relaunched, when I'll get that stupid TARDIS working. http://i.imgur.com/KUzuEfB.png

  11. Mine-imator 1.0.0's UI will be slightly redesigned, with new icons (based on my work from the revamped UI thread), and anti-aliasing on the text. There's also going to be an option to import a skin directly from a Minecraft user.
  12. Aaah... As colorful as before, more "voxely", and I finally got rid of that paintbrush. :D

  13. Hello everyone! I added two wallpapers, "The Two Doctors." and "An unknown land.". Enjoy!
  14. That was wonderful. Impressive work!
  15. Nah, too flat. I'd rather see something Minecraft themed, with Minecraft-styled icons and buttons.
  16. Voxy

    1.0.0 DEMO

    Are you kidding? It looks... wow. ;-;
  17. Voxy

    1.0.0 DEMO

    That demo was the best thing I've ever seen. The shadows! They look absolutely fantastic! You're the best, dude. This version is amazing. EDIT: And he even added my new design in it! My wishes came true!
  18. I don't think replacing the icons and adding subtle gradients on the menus is laborious.
  19. OMFG NEW LOGO! And it's not even my final form!

    1. Sebablixa


      DUnnn DUnnnn DUUNNNNN let the photoshop go

    2. Project



  20. I might be a bit late, but whatever. Good day! I'm Voxy, a 15 years old designer from Belgium. I love using Mine-imator for wallpapers and all type of graphical works, because it's really easy to use and with a little bit of editing, it can produce awesome results. I also want to do motion design with After Effects. I'm a big Minecraft player (I play since summer 2011), and I love watching Doctor Who. Playing games is cool, but I really want to develop my own. I'm launching my YouTube channel, called "Voxy", (of course), where I'll showcase my works, whether it be design or adventure maps. ;3
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