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Everything posted by Emunator

  1. People who want to make there screen full? Yes it does
  2. I got bored during the forums downtime and made a Fullscreen Mod for Mineimator. Very easy, and it makes animating abit more focused, I also saw 7 topics for suggesting Fullscreen in MI. To use, simply press F7 to put it in and out of Fullscreen. (The others above are taken) I'd show a screenshot but...that'd be pointless as you can imagine... Download here: www.stuffbydavid.com/dl/emufc.zip Remember to extract first.
  3. It needs direct X because are decepticon said, alot of programs and applications on windows use something called 'shader model <version>'. Direct X provides capability with it. As for getting it on mac, it's semi possible, but only with external applications, you can't get Direct X natively. You should try other programs besides Wine Bottler. Try BootCamp and Cross-Over. Theres a few people on the forums who has done this. Also, if that doesn't work, this guy here supposedly got 1.0.5 to work on mac. Download at your own risk however. He even linked his own video. Heres the topic below:
  4. This was a pretty decent animation. Smooth too, and I like the small details you added with everything.. This is great. +1
  5. :ph34r:


    1. david


      The code never bothered me anyway...

    2. LolDoge


      Oh god this is funny.

  6. To make a facial rig, with movings eyes, mouth and eyebrows, you'll need to edit a skin, and remove the eyes and area of the mouth on a skin with an external image editor. When you import your skin, it'll have 'holes' where they are. You'll need to use the parenting feature of mineimator to create resources and fill the gaps, creating moveable pieces. I'd help you, but there are a million ways to create such a rig. The only way I can suggest to do so, is to download someone else face rig and have a look, and see how its done.
  7. How much Australian culture is into beer:

    >Big ad for a beer

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. vash0110


      damn right it is m8

    3. Emunator
    4. Ocelot


      Yeah nah m8 try some no beersies - NZ culture 

  8. Try using Firefox or Chrome, they have better Javascript support.
  9. Can you describe the issue abit more? Is; The installer not functioning correctly? The Exe not opening after clicking? There an error coming up? Please provide more information so we can help you.
  10. I really like how smooth the characters are, they're really cute looking, plus I love bullet wound in the head, it fits in with the wallpaper, I see nothing wrong these or any flaws, great work.
  11. That's a very detailed and well made rig. +1 And impact is an amazing name.
  12. Hey Dillon, PM the Admin @Frossa about changing your password, merging accounts and another issues you may be having. He'll happily help you. Thank you. On another note, save a .txt file containing your password for the forums so you won't forget it.
  13. It's actually called a watermark because it was originally used on paper and was only revealed when it came into contact with water, like a 'hidden ownership', hence the term WATERmark, it slowly evolved over the years with different types of watermarks on paper, from embedding, brailing and now into money, only revealing itself when it contact with UV sunlight. I used the watermark to declare ownership, so I used it correctly. But yes, I could have made it transparent. It's best you educate yourself on a subject before speaking like you know it. I 'Don't mean to be rude'. -History 1 & 2
  14. Come look at my aliens wallpaper :ph34r:


    1. Skjold


      Too dark and the camera angle is a bit awkward. Also try and give the guy a facial rig next time. :thumbsup: 

  15. I was going to add a face hugger, but I couldn't find a good rig, there was one, but it was abit bland for this scene.
  16. Thanks And sure thing, I'll PM you the links.
  17. I made this wallpaper based of the movie, games and books alike, called "Aliens". It's about Humanity versing Aliens who are dark creatures called "Xenomorphs". If you've seen the titles before, you'll get the meaning of this wallpaper, so yes, it's intentionally dark. Hope you liked it, took 20-30 min or so to do. (Once again, intentionally dark) Enjoy! Credit:
  18. The blur mixes in pefectly with the wallpaper... I see nothing wrong with it, this is actually a great wallpaper, something id actually use as a wallpaper. Goodjob. +1
  19. The link that it leads to should be 'dxwebsetup.exe'. Just run it, follow the instructions, and you should be fine.
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