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Assassination of dictator Frossa by a group of traitorous forumers calling themselves the "Liberatores", led by Voxus, once of Frossa's most trusted friends.



SKINS USED: Frossa, Voxy, and multiple random Roman Senator skins found on the internet.

Thanks to Frossa for advice throughout the drafts

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A Swedish field marshal is being stabbed to death by a guy in a coat and a few Roman dudes, one of which looks like he just came from a public bath*.

Gud wallpaper :I_approve: 

(oh, and the title translates to "And you, Voxus?" in French (Google translate ftw))

*(I'm only joking about, people. Please don't take this seriously and type a bunch of angry replies. thx bby.)

Edited by abdullah1579
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A Swedish field marshal is being stabbed to death by a guy in a coat and a few Roman dudes, one of which looks like he just came from a public bath*.

Gud wallpaper :I_approve: 

(oh, and the title translates to "And you, Voxus?" in French (Google translate ftw))

*(I'm only joking about, people. Please don't take this seriously and type a bunch of angry replies. thx bby.)

No, actually that's Latin. In French it would be "Et Toi, Voxus?"

I'm Canadian m8, I know more Francais than you.

EDIT: I know that for some reason google translate says "French Detected" but every French teacher will tell you never to use google translate.

Edited by ElvenShot
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No, actually that's Roman. In French it would be "Et Toi, Voxus?"

I'm Canadian m8, I know more Francais than you.

EDIT: I know that for some reason google translate says "French Detected" but every French teacher will tell you never to use google translate.

Google Translate isn't the greatest at differentiating Romantic languages, like Latin, French, and Spanish. It's not perfect.

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