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  1. Version 3.0 (Beta) QOL Animations Update + small bug Fixed! Download Other Version Version 3 (Beta) ! This version may had some bugs so make sure to make report and also feedback then ! WinnythailandFX's Character Model V3 Beta 1 (May 26, 2024) Version 2 WinnythailandFX's Character Model V2.2 (Feb 27, 2024) WinnythailandFX's Character Model V2.1 (Dec 6, 2023) [Closed] WinnythailandFX's Character Model V2 (April 20, 2023) [Closed] Version 1 WinnythailandFX's Character Model V1.2 (Dec 6, 2023) WinnythailandFX's Character Model V1.1 (Feb 3, 2023) [Broken] WinnythailandFX's Character Model V1 (Nov 12, 2022) [Broken] Announcement hmm.. might bring back old features and with some new testing that (might) gonna make you interesting hmm... Discord.gg/WinnythailandFX Compatible Mine-imator Version: • Mine-imator 1.2.6 - 1.2.9 • Mine-imator 2.0.0 Pre-released 4 • Mine-imator 2.0.0 - 2.0.2 • (Any) Modded Mine-imator+ Compatible Modelbench Version: • Modelbench 1.1.4 • Modelbench 1.1.5 (Not recommend, because due to memory leak but why not try this version ➔ Click me here) • (Any) Modded Modelbench+ ➥ (Modelbench Communtiy Build by Swooplezz) Features: Fingers Blocky (can toggleable) Female Models (+Inculde 4px arm support) Inverse Kinematics (Only 2.0 and up to newer version) Smooth wrist & ankle bend Can toggle any layer skin like in-game minecraft! Advanced Control (Extra Rotation, etc) Facial rig (coming soon) Adds-on (coming soon) Mores? May not inculde herobrine Questions [FAQ] 1. can i edit/modifying or add something into your model/rig? - sure, you can. if you want to add like hair bendable, jacket, etc, go ahead, (or fixed something that i didn't encounter) and i dont really mind longer as you dont claim as yours 2. can i borrow some part from model (fingers, body, etc) - of course you can, plus maybe u try learn something from my model 3. Why there 4px arm female? - For people who make female skin with 4px arm Patch notes - Update Patch Note 6 (May 25, 2024) (May 26, 2024) [QOL Animations Updates + Small bug fixed] Another tottaly small updates, nothing new or add yet, but i made some changes to model when come to animating, which should make your animating become more efficiently and easier (maybe) for your big and small project hope it helps! Fixed missed tiny offset bottom hat & ankle edge extrude Fixed backface texture Fixed *ahem* Incorret female body part texture (Ari) Add more toggleable jacket part on side, bottom, and top (current only Steve, Efe had this feature add later next update) Add more extra control on body/torso and heads Add Extra Thumb Bend Adjust umm... female body part *sigh* (Alex, Ari) Rename some body names parts Add support (Almost) any .miframes (or any keyframes) long as follow default mine-imator human model body part name and same go as Pose features on Mine-imator 2.0.1 Update Efe default skin Update preview images Rewrite this entire post for better word something idk... Herobrine removed for a 5th time and mores? - Update Patch Note 5 (Feb 27, 2024) Small update to fix misplace extrude edge. which it should be fixed on previous update, but forgot and missed it somehow idk why and also discord seems patched images hosting on direct message so guess i gonna find new site to images now (update i found it lol) but at least download link still work, it just image didnt show up anyways - Update Patch Note 4 (Dec 6, 2023) [Birthday Update] Today is my birthday, and decide to update my model to fix bug with update download link discord > google drive because discord made a change where if you host files/image on anything on discord it will expired in few month which is reasonable because hacker/scammer use there to host malware files and also here a update patch notes - Update Patch Note 3 (April 20, 2023) - Update Patch Note 2 (April 17, 2023) [Inverse Kinematics Updates + Bug Fixed!] - Update Patch Note 1 (Feb 3, 2023) opss. idk just upvote my post pls
  2. fnaf 1 stage renders possessed Bonnie? he simply doesn't respect the laws of physics
  3. I recently 100%ed Minecraft Dungeons and doing so has inspired me to make some wallpapers to commemorate it. This one is based off having to grind the battle pass to level 45 to get the golden parrot, which is necessary for an achievement. Though the achievement wasn't set in the desert temple, I wanted to do something with Necromancers.
  4. Hey, animators! This pack contains all the sound effects and songs from Minecraft, extracted by yours truly for you to use in your own creations. All the sounds are provided as is, in their original Ogg Vorbis format, sorted in the same folder structure that the game uses. Enjoy!
  5. By JonyItsMyName, coming a new web serie, the name... "The last Anonymous" Do you have this question: What if WitherStorm had not died? Wait the first chapter When? IDK But its a promise...
  6. i made from minecraft schmatics files and i started from a 3d model and uesd a website to convert into a schmatic and than loaded and fix the colors of the schmatis in minecraft and than i imported them and took a while to make ive done a bike rig before but this is mor detailed so i hope you like and use them for something packk include 3 bmx bikes 2 mountainbikes pennyfarthing (charitor feet will not reach pedals withot modifing ) trike download here https://www.mediafire.com/file/61r01lshbcd6z42/bike_pack.zip/file
  7. I'm looking to have some models made of Godzilla and his other variations. If able to, please make the models similar to the Godzilla X Minecraft DLC. Mainly looking to have the Godzilla's from these videos.
  8. idk who cares about grass is missing or not if u care download here Download Mojang made change to grass name from " grass " to " short_grass " on version 1.20.3 Which cause Mine-imator not able to load grass and fortunately it was simple fix, just change few lines code and rename "grass" to "short_grass" lol - Note: Don't Downgrade your world, it gonna delete grass from your world, and also not an option - Other note: There is no 1.21 assets are in here, just a grass that had been rename to short grass to fix a world that on version 1.20.3 only+ Tutorial: Preview:
  9. Text-Model by { Red Creeper } Edit video by CapCut https://i.imgur.com/mtzfgkP.mp4
  10. All toppins are placed in this pack (mushroom, cheese, tomato, sausage, pineapple). And , the cage ( we break to get toppins in the pizza tower game ) is placed in this pack with particle model by me DOWNLOAD LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IS5Zal6tZovwGhdESNUxqXMBFEMEmtQu/view?usp=drive_link
  11. Poster Production: HAORANNNNNN The first preview of the animated medieval fantasy | Dark Order | is coming soon, so stay tuned. Medieval fantasy animation | The Dark Order | Episode 1 preview! This work will tell the story of a great and broken era in which different characters are caught in the chaos of the situation, the flames of war, the danger of the heart or those beautiful lights, we will take the audience to experience the grand epic with these characters! But let us begin the story by briefly opening a glimpse of this magnificent landscape through the eyes of Nephimus, a demon hunter. https://space.bilibili.com/408461431?spm_id_from=444.42.opus.module_author_avatar.click If you're interested in the project, then you can head over to this video site and we'll be releasing the trailer for the first episode in a few days!
  12. -Afton Robotics is not responsible for your child going missing, that is your fault not ours, we are also aware of the rumors and we not responsible for kidnapping decapitation or death, please under stand that your safety is our up most importants have a fazuriffic day. Chocolate Bonnie:https://imgur.com/2TdoUux Cookie Chica:https://imgur.com/QhOYgrM Geode Freddy:https://imgur.com/uIGTc1I RedBear:https://imgur.com/Ejwq7ZM Radioactive Foxy:https://imgur.com/Nju81qo -Afton Robotics Afton Robotics will not be selling this bundle until the special afton delivery is being sold here the link to the delivery have a fazuriffic day
  13. Iani

    Invention project #1

    After working for a while, and leaking a lot on Mine-imator discord, It's finally done, I present to all of you... Invention project part 1 The inventions as a weapons. (This is 40% not inspired by create mod) This rigpack contain: 4 melee weapons such as: -Piston hammer -Plasma saber -Scyxe(A combination of scythe and ax) -Tesla spear Weapon showcase ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, I think that's it, thank you for giving your time to look at this post, Here's the download link, See you next time.
  14. Hi! I'm new here at the forum and, for now, I would be happy if you guys could check out my new short film "Animalia: Attack Attempt" made by me using Mine-Imator <3. It has English captions. Synopsis: In a world where there was a civilization called "Civilização de Gandalf", Pingo, the primer-minister, needed to face constantly a rebel group which threatened the integrity of his civilization. Little did he know, what was waiting for him.
  15. Software used: Mine-Imator 2.0 Paint.net (for rim light)
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