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Everything posted by 9redwoods

  1. You really gotta do almost invisible opacity to look right honestly.
  2. This is amazing... I remember when I was a part of Madbox for a few days... Then I left lol.
  3. The rain looks very fake and 2D. You should probably add dimension to the rain and lower the opacity. Nice job overall, though.
  4. Do I see some... LINEAR ANIMATION???
  5. This has gotta be the best wallpaper I've ever seen. Better than Menace.
  6. Why would you want to uninstall such a good program like MI?
  7. Alright! Good improvement from the last one for sure. I think the hat layer could be 3D. It literally takes around 18 seconds to make happen and it raises the quality of the wallpaper. Pencils don't have that much lead. Only the tip should be black. The torch behind you isn't lighting anything up. That's kinda it. Nice job overall, though. What does the paper say?
  8. I need more information if I was going to make this. I don’t think you really got the idea
  9. I made a wallpaper requests topic in team requests! If you need a wallpaper and you're too lazy to make it yourself, I'd love it if you asked me!

  10. So I had this idea in mind where you guys can request a wallpaper and I make it. I've been very dead on ideas recently, and I thought this would be a good idea. So if you want a wallpaper, just post a comment with a detailed description! I'll be updating this topic regularly showing what wallpaper I'm making. Ask away!
  11. I really hate these black and red cliche weapon rigs...
  12. The pole of the umbrella is phasing through the shoulder fluff
  13. I like how you just stuck leaf blocks to the side of the buildings.
  14. Maybe with a little bit of more contrast and more dynamic lighting, it would be even more awesome!
  15. The lighting is very bland, and I think the wallpaper would be much better with more shadows.
  16. Ok! Time for some CC. Don't take this as hate, it's not. The skysphere is stretched. Where there aren't torches, you can see no sort of night lighting. Always put a spotlight in the sky colored dim aqua. I don't know what happened, but the point lights for the torches are messed up. You can see random shadows everywhere. The schematic you used does not fit the scene at all. It would probably be better if you made it a detailed alleyway or something. The torch inside the building isn't lit. The posing is not very realistic. Try and mess around with different posing and develop an understanding of what looks good and natural. It looks like you raised the brightness for the character. You should never raise brightness. Maybe you could turn the sword so the Y is facing us so we could see it. The AW symbol looks really out of place for some reason. Maybe you could make the sound bars emit some sort of glow? That's kinda all I have to say. If you listen to CC and see what others do and how they do it, you can really learn a lot, and in short time, too. Keep trying!
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