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Everything posted by CRAZYKOKEBROZ

  1. Reminds me of the northern US/Canada during the winter, nice work!
  2. But you said how it poorly represented MI by using excessive violence.
  3. Less of a cartoon and more of a... Um... how do I say this...
  4. I mean, the winner would be clearly obvious at this point...
  5. It's not about violence, it's about animation. If people really could made high-detail stuff with this simple tool, it shows that Mine-Imator is more than the small simple software it is.
  6. Some time after 1.3.0 is released: Oh crap there goes my graphics card again!
  7. The focus and plot is surprisingly better than my first animation, welcome to the Mine-Imator community!
  8. Most likely, but there are tons of player skins on the internet for them, especially since Zombie Pigmen and players use the same model. Zero difference, you can still use zombie pigmen (if you download the skin)!
  9. Image doesn't exist (through my computer at least)
  10. Reminds me of something from the UGSF timeline (despite this account being a reference to it)...
  11. The developer does what the developer does! You can’t change their mind and neither can I! So deal with it! (None of us are fit for lead developer)
  12. That’s flawed logic. It makes the software more complex than it needs to be! You’re demanding these things and making an excuse for it. Please, do not ruin Mine-Imator (no matter how much it seems lie things are normal)!
  13. The ideas are good, but Mine-Imator's original intention was its ease of use. If some of these ideas were to be put to use, it would turn the software into Blender: Minecraft Edition. once again Mine-Imator was not originally supposed to be complex, but the ideas are interesting.
  14. Didn't understand the need of importing multiple objects, but nearly everything else you ask for is obsolete!
  15. Just because you ask for it a-lot doesn’t mean it’s high demand. Its absolutely anyone (including you), it’s just that one person asking for it isn’t as convincing as lets say, 500 people. If over 500 people (or whatever number Nimi thinks is enough) want it, then Nimi will take it into consideration an possibly add it. But for now, you’re the only one wanting things Mine-Imator doesn’t need yet (Except for importing multiple sprites, which I know a shortcut around).
  16. Explosion sounds and pixelated explosions boom hahehaha!
  17. You already talked about this, there are no current plans at the moment for a search bar. Many of these things wont be added way for quite a while since most don't have a high demand (except importing multiple things, which still can take time). There is some logic in that statement. I never commonly see anger being used to successful earn most demands (except for protests, which this isn't one).
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