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FTW Gaming

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Posts posted by FTW Gaming


    This is the Magic Sword Collab, here are the rules.

    Go to this link https://goo.gl/forms/gzfltRiW2rXJlJRJ2 to submit your animation
    Rules of the collab
    -has to be more than 3 seconds less than 50
    -must have a flying sword kill someone or something
    -no music or sound effects
    -watermark allowed
    -has to be done by March 5th
    This is my first collab, if you want to email me its romanpreu@gmail.com and my YT channel is XDeadly _ and the vid will be on that!

    A few things:

    1. As @Immqrtal pointed out, 3-4 Days is much too short a deadline. Most Collabs have a month or more deadline.

    2. Before you do a collab, I'd recommend getting your name out there, you are currently on 0 rep thus people are less likely to participate

    3. The Collab Idea is kinda too specific and generic at the same time. Your gonna have multiple animations looking the same. For a Collab, you want to have a premise/restriction that people work with. Look at my "No-Undo" Collab, it goes off the ground of a restriction to the animator to create something different each time as people have their own ways of doing it. Also look at @Skibbz No bends Collab, again, a simple restriction with wild results. I'd recommend hanging around and participating in multiple collabs before making your own.


    Heres the basic idea for the collab:

    you must animate a 5-30 sec animation but you are not allowed to undo anything.

    The animation can be whatever you want. a sword fight, punching a wall down, chasing a massive potato. Whatever your heart desires.

    However, like I said before; you can't undo anything.

    Clarifications for the "No Undo" rule.


    -No hitting Ctrl + Z

    -if you make a new keyframe and you accidently move an arm or something. you cannot move it back.

    -The first position you put something in is the final position for it

    -You cannot delete a keyframe and make a new one.

    -No starting over, the first project you make for this is the only one

    -No moving the same object twice in the same keyframe ie. you rotate the arm to a position. You can't go back and adjust its position.

    -If you spawn something in, even if you didn't mean to, you have to use it/ No using the delete button


    If you have any questions on the rules, feel free to ask.


    The Deadline is April 2nd

    Do not include a watermark, I will add one in post that way all the watermarks are the same.


    Entry submission forum: https://goo.gl/forms/kWfwG0ak7T1FszZ32

  3. Hello, I am creating an animated series about two guys stranded on an island in the middle of the ocean.

    I already have the script for episode 1. If you would like to join the Stranded Discord, click this link here: https://discord.gg/WEPfQA6


    The link to the script is in the discord chat, If you have any questions feel free to ask.

    There are two main characters, however, I will accept as many people as are willing to join.


    -Edit, I was not aware that this idea was already being done by @Progio, As a fellow Animator, I respect his animations and ideas as much as people such as Skibbz. I wouldn't steal his ideas or anyone else's.

  4. Hello, this is my first Collab and sincerely I think it's a good idea,

    The basic idea is a collaboration showing all the different unwritten rules of minecraft ie. Don't dig straight down, dont dig straight up etc.

    So if you want to join, just say your in and say which rule you want and if you have a suggestion for a rule, then go ahead and suggest.


    1. Never Dig Straight Down - @JDeviloFTW

    2. Never Dig Straight Up- @Malaki_Animations

    3. Always Carry a Bucket of Water with you - @Mighty Maison

    4. Don't push any out of place buttons- @FTWGaming (ME)

    5. Keep your house well lit(or else monsters will spawn) - @BloxxyCreeperDTC

    6. Don't let go of shift - @cinu_panu

    7. Don't put a fireplace in a wooden house- @IsaacCho

    8. Don't go into the Nether with Diamond Armor- @hiendiep55

    9. Never go outside on Friday the 13th- @CoolDan

    (I will add more if more people want to join)

    (I do not currently have an example but I'm working on one)

    (No Watermark needed, I will add in post)

    (Deadline January 11th)

    (Edit: if your gonna do it, please let me know so there arn't duplicates)

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