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Everything posted by Nerdinq

  1. It was mad to be in a horror video game similar to fad
  2. Don't forget you watermark. The spelling error has angered me a great deal,
  3. I like it, because of the brightness increase the red gives it a little more intensity.
  4. No. 1, I love the wall paper maybe make it a tad brighter. No. 2 What facial rig is that
  5. I'm confused, 3 colors, a neon blue white, and black. If this were a sci-fi tool, or gun. It would have a chamber to store the cartridge. I can count maybe 9 objects used. next time don't make it so bland.
  6. Made a crappy space invaders game.

  7. Every thing is great, except the linear camera movements.
  8. Actually, do you want to work together, my friend had brain stormed an idea that's similar to fad but it would be Five Nights At Duckys, I can model in blender for a better look and I can animate fairly well.
  9. You did what? have everything on my list I said you shouldn't have. I'm recreating this game, sorry but I just played it 1/10 from me.
  10. Well, you can;t have HD crate textures, mspaint drawings, and random pictures on the wall along with default mc textures.
  11. As bad as the rigs are, how did you make the game, btw, I would have retextured some of the stuff if I were you.
  12. I swear, you just re-textured a fad rig. If not, good job, way better than last time.
  13. Thank you, and I hat finding skins that match with each other and quality ones. Faces don't make an animation, It's supposed to be a quick animation so you don't really need to read facial expression. I was asking for what was wrong with it, him saying practice would most likely mean that the entire thing is bad. Without specifics it seems as if he didn't like any aspect of the animation.
  14. I know, the backround movement was going to be the finalizing, I'm far from done and will add peopel walking in the backround. I don't like facial rigs in collab animations. It's also hard to find good skins that look modern and realistic.
  15. Whats wrong besides the weird arm movement of the cop
  16. Did you try using the community build? and updating to windows 10?
  17. I like it but a little backround scenery might be nice, skibbs outdoor assests and a horse drinking from a water trough
  18. You're alright, I also like your prof pic, nice drawing
  19. Because at the moment, we we're talking about a horrible suggestion made by Cody Pants YT I was also talking to Colonel.
  20. I love the Enderman's hat, very stylish. Showcases minecrafts recent updates.
  21. Why, do you realize how awkward and difficult It would be to animate. You'd need an iPad Pro to be able to see any thing and their tacky keyboard to make something equivalent to a monster school animation.
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