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Status Updates posted by NovaCeres

  1. So here is a comic I am/may be making, and this part is called The Flame of Revenge. Has something to do with my last status update. 


    This was drawn a while ago. Next part will definitely be better.

    1. Nakoju


      Am I detecting some undertale inspiration?

    2. NovaCeres


      @Nakoju Probably, guessing how much I like it ._.

  2. So I got bored, and after listening to Sweet Dreams by Emily Browning for the hundredth time, I drew this.


    There's more, just wanted to show the complete part. Now time to go finish it...

  3. Here's my discord if you want to join. We have bad memes:


  4. Just downloaded SFM, 30 minutes in and here you go:


    Planning on doing an animation tomorrow, I like this program.

    (also the explanation behind the wallpaper is I normally play pyro so when scouts come toward me I usually scorch them instantly, hence the wallpaper)

  5. When your friend introduces you to TF2 and you watch Meet the Pyro:


    (Its still a W.I.P, should be finished today)

  6. Why...

    Someone made a reference on a stream to a Mine-Imator forum user and I'm like:


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NovaCeres
    3. Sonicxryan


      Oh, xD I was watching Tee Lopes' stream, I spent a minute reading through the comments.

    4. Nakoju
  7. So you know that sneak peek I posted a while ago? maybe not But I continued it anyway! 


    I'm actually excited about this. Huh.






    1. Ninjabee_Redtricity


      That first transition is a bit awkward with the music. The walk cycle is awkward also.

      And also on this opening scene what purpose does it show to us about this character? Is she reckless and doesn't care about the world around her? Or is she depressed and thinks the world doesn't care too much for her because everything is frozen? (that music needs to change if you're conveying that) Also if she is reckless. You may need to make the lighting pop out a bit more and maybe have everyone move


    2. NovaCeres



      The reason for the music is that she is listening to the music, (I fixed the headphones and a wire so it will be visible) and as for why everything is frozen, she often stops time deliberately, creating a conflict with another character later on in the animation. About the lighting, I like taking animation in steps. Get the basic movement and plot down, then keep building. Normally I save lighting for near last, but I am probably going to fix it now. As for why she stops time, she uses it as a way for her to say: "I'm boss here, don't mess with me." And the walk cycle looks a bit weird because she is dancing, and after basing it off me dancing while walking, I came up with that. I tried to give her a rather happy look in the beginning.


  8. Had an idea for an animation last night, so I whipped up the first part of it and here you go: 


  9. One word.




    gotta love space

  10. Finished up my cubone mask today for this year's costume:


    The character:


    Diagram (Half-way finished):


    Finished (Edited in Paint.net to remove face): 



    Now to slap some muslin and paper mache paste that I bought a while ago on there and it should be done. After that, I need to do the arms and I may do a pair of articulated black feather wings... maybe.

  11. Doing some more tests. This is the shield for the new character rig:


    1. Bugleberry


      You should post all of these in one topic.

  12. This look is all I need to prove that I don't want to mess with Sword...

    ozkHZjC.png someone send help.

  13. Welp. Tried doing some animation with a better character rig,


  14. "Sword! The rig broke again!"


    no regrets

  15. Yep. I loved this one scene I had to do a sneak peek... :yes:


  16. So um.. In my spare time I decided to write and publish a book.. Thought I might as well post the trailer



    Here is the sneak peek:


    Chapter One

    I fight a ninja with a metal bar and get kidnapped, even though I'm not a kid


    Sunlight filtered through the trees like a curtain, seeping through the mist and illuminating a single being resting on the grassy floor. The person's chest heaved up and down in great gasps, and their pupils were dark slits against the whites of their eyes. If one was to describe their expression, they would simply say that it showed the truest form of pure and undeniable fear. The person’s arm twitched, and with an incredible amount of strength and willingness, brought from his inventory a potion of healing. He then tipped the bottle into his mouth, and his eyes adjusted to their normal size and he relaxed, all the tension of the day released. With a groan of effort, he pushed himself up and surveyed the area before pulling out a small metal disk. It resembled a compass, but instead of one hand it had seven, and each little piece had an icon engraved on it. The first showed a dragon, the second was a creeper, the third was a human, the fourth was a forest, the fifth was engraved with growling wolves, the sixth was an enderman, and the seventh showed, in high detail, a stronghold. The dragon and human hands swiveled toward the right, while the forest and wolf hands swiveled forward. The stronghold needle quivered for a second, and then shot off the disk and hovered in the air, pointing straight down. Pulling out a shovel, he scooped up the dirt until he had a two-by-two hole in the ground. Hopping down, he dug his hand into the dirt and pulled up a large iron trapdoor. The top was rusted and the hinges screeched as he opened it up to reveal a never ending void below. He climbed out of the hole and after tying a rope around a nearby tree, dropped the rope down the hole. Sliding down, he hit the bottom with a muffled thump and dust swirled around his feet in great, thick clouds. Coughing, he drew a torch from his inventory and struck it against the ground. It sparked, and the torch tip burst into flames. Looking around, he held it in front of him like a shield. Squinting in the darkness, he could make out the vague shapes of the hand-carved stone walls and floors that decorated the stronghold. Walking to one side, he traced the intricate carving depicting an ocean temple. Everything from the divers to the guardians themselves was taken into mind, and carved with such accuracy it looked as though he could jump right into the water. Shafts of light streamed down like pieces of fabric blowing in the wind, and the gravel littering the bottom was chiseled to show each stone complete with minuscule details such as the fish and plants. Turning away, and silently vowing not to get distracted again, he walked further down into a large hallway. Suddenly he heard a crunch and bending down, found a map sitting on the floor, neglected and covered with dust. He stepped back and picked it up. It displayed the stronghold from a bird’s eye view and was covered in black X's and icons that looked like a strange, small bug. The room he was just in had a black x, and he took one look before hurrying away. Stopping, he saw a single tail flick out of his circle of light before the sound of the wind was heard and his torch flickered once, then went out. Plunged into darkness, he saw a light further down the hall and stumbled toward it to find a dropped torch. There was a lot of fuel left, which meant he was not alone. He shivered, and then standing over it, shouted out “I know you're there, come and face me you, coward!” Not a moment after, he felt a sharp prod on his back as a sword was pressed there and a muffled voice said in a deep tone, “You believe I am a coward?” He couldn't tell what gender the person was, and simply replied without thinking, “Yes, I do.” The blade was pressed harder, and the voice replied with an even, calm tone, “Then you have neglected to realize this is a trap,” It continued, “Which means you are dumber than I thought. Recognize this?” And a poster was thrust into his face. It depicted a young man with medium-short hair, tanned skin, and a scar running from his left ear to his chin. There was only one thing that caught his eye, a group of words that said: Wanted: 10,000 blocks. Sighing, he realized that this person was on a bounty hunt… For him. The person chuckled, and then shoved him down. He flipped around and drew his sword, finally getting a look at his captor's face. It was a female, with long black hair, pulled into two separate braids and then twisted into a big ponytail. Her mouth and nose were covered with a mask, and her eyes were slits like cats. She also had a tail, which was half covered in fur and half covered in scales. It twitched back in forth in an irritated fashion, and then thumped on the floor. Her clothes were a pitch black material that was covered in a dust-like layer of shimmering flecks. With a sudden thought, he realized that the clothes were made of camo-fabric. The rarest fabric in the world, only given to the most successful bounty hunters and the most ruthless of those in the kingdom's highest rank, the shifters. Shifters were last resort bounty hunters that never failed. Their job was jokingly referred to as the king's execution squad, which was quite unfortunately true. This one had a hood with a transparent mesh and a very tight fit. Her blade was diamond, but the edge was covered in a poison. One scratch and you would be unconscious in one hour, dead in two. The blade also featured a small knife drenched in poison, in case the shifter was captured or was fatally wounded. The poison would disintegrate the corpse and the fabric at the same time. He looked back at her, and she lunged her blade forward. He blocked, but his sword was only stone and the top cracked and scattered into a fine dust from the impact. He got up and ran, not caring where he was going. He skidded to a halt at the end and ran into a nearby room. Suddenly he heard a click, and the door behind him locked as a figure stepped in. “I was right. You aren't that smart.” And then she lunged forward with incredible strength and speed, making no sound at all. He ducked and dived, then wrenched one of the loose bars in the door and used it as a sword. As he fought, each echo rang through the hall and he became aware of a peculiar feeling on his shirt. Momently distracted, she landed a sharp blow to his head using the flat part of the sword, and he staggered back before falling in a crumpled heap. Well, seems I need to work on my ducking skills, he thought right before he fainted. A smile formed on her face, and she hoisted him onto her shoulder to head back to the kingdom.


    It should be on Amazon by this Christmas.

    and no the guy isn't herobrine lol

    1. Creeperz Animations

      Creeperz Animations

      Oi! This is really good, have you written anything else? I'd like to know your name.

    2. NovaCeres


      No, I haven't published anything else I have written. However, some mini stories I have written can be found in the forums somewhere :/

      But I will probably publish this book under my name, Lilia Wielder.

  17. Doing one other stream of ARK and then returning to animating.




  18. Doing my first official Livestream today :D


  19. Did some Sculptris today, created a character concept for a future animation.


    What do you guys think?

    1. Mike


      the parts you did in detail look great

      ... but it's missing a lot of important features, like the mouth.

    2. Jaytience
  20. I have to practice fighting... so what better way than to fight a person called Mega in an unofficial MGB? (AWOL IS STILL ALIVE)   And yes, I will fix the flatlands.

    1. Dannyboi


      Dat moosik. Home had a boss soundtrack.

  21. Here is a teaser of the trailer for the series DragonHunt!

    What do you guys think?

    1. S3D


      I love how there literally is a lot of Steves
      And if you need help with anything (other than animating) pm me

  22. Just made a new rig of Swordweilder, here it is:






    -Moveable headband

    -Moveable belt

    -Feet (I think?)

    -3D Wristband, Headband, Shirt collar


    -Glowing eyes

    -Wings now can move in more than one way

    -Made it easier to use

    -Simplified horns (they are a pain to use normally!)

    -Eyelids that WORK


    What do you guys think?


  23. So in episode two of AWOL, A.A and Sword are fighting some drones/droids, and this rock band sees them and are basically like "An audience! Lets start the music!!"

    Here it is:

    So what do you guys think?

    1. Mike


      Very good! But make sure not to let things get repetitive.

    2. Stolderan


      One of my private rig is a land droid with an anti-aircraft cannon.

      I can give you this in PM ?

    3. NovaCeres


      @Stolderan I'm fine, I already have the rigs ready. Thanks though!

  24. YAAAS!

    Just finished AWOL Episode One, should be ready to post in a few minutes!

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