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Everything posted by geotrax2001

  1. if he gives you a like, it's not sarcasm... he doesnt give those things out like candy you know
  2. i could tell you put a lot of work into this... some of the movments in the rowboat could use some work (the person's movment while in it) and what happened to the boat's shadow? it's only half there? really good, and you put a lot of hard work into this
  3. Hello everyone... i have some exciting news!

    Me, along with Wordson were the first people to do a minecraft 1.10 survival let's play, check out the first episode here!

    Please be sure to share it so more people can see this, because this extreme hype for us!

    sorry for any boring parts, other episodes will be far more entertaining

  4. take a character, alter the color, and then turn down the alpha... you now have a hologram!
  5. download nostalgia craft, and import it into MI just like you would any resource pack... the color map is a bit too hard for a beginner... i didnt look at you rank when i said that
  6. download nostalgia craft, or just delete the color ramp guys, what he wanted to know, was how to get the bright green colors you see in dbl
  7. Status update on my new channel [video]


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. geotrax2001


      @Emanatronic sarcasm, or giving me a new sub?

    3. Emaniplex


      @geotrax2001 Just acknowledgment. That's my thing, as you know.

    4. geotrax2001


      @Emanatronic i thought non offensive sarcasm was...

      unlike certain people...

  8. pretty cool character mashup... so should we be expecting some super big animation which centers around these two universes mixing?
  9. some of the movements could use some smoothing, and the fight could use a bit more anticipation...
  10. is this a foreshadowing of the return of the lovable mass murderer?
  11. i meant before he stoppped... this is such a simple feature, and should'nt have been that hard to implement....
  12. dude, this is too true... we need to have this! @David why dont we have it already?
  13. this is my first wallpaper, so i would love any, and all advice i can get. i know the editing is crappy, but it was my first time using paint.net for editing, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
  14. just make an original character, something no one else has done... dont just make generic crap
  15. I"ve not downloaded it yet, but to be honest, we dont need a generic player rig. what we need, are new, creative ocs
  16. too generic... but you certainly have learned how to rig, now go be creative with these abilities!
  17. mineshaft never saw it coming now to go work on mine some...
  18. *sees sword test topic by random person i've never heard of* *clicks on topic* *things "oh great, some more random terrible crap with no anticipation that will make me throw up* *watches video* holy crap that was so freaking good dude! you really know how to make a fight scene!
  19. ok... this is the first time i've seen MI used for live action editing, which is the only reason i liked it... kewl concept though, and now that i know it can be done....
  20. oi just luv all these flatlands we've been seeing lately! why the hell does everyone thing flatlands are the new extreme hills biomes? but you have a nice posing, and nice non-overdone lensflare... so i haveta give ya a like...
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