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Mime360 Animations

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Everything posted by Mime360 Animations

  1. they're still dangerously cheesy

  2. they're dangerously cheesy

  3. finally got a new pc, i had the old one for like 8 years at this point

  4. i keep screwing up my sleep schedule aaaaaa



      Same, i was supposed to be in bed hours ago

    2. H4ppiP33p


      You're not the only one mate, sometimes I want to sleep at 20:00-22:00pm, but yet end up sleeping at 0:00-2:00am in the morning because I'm just so into on what ever I'm doing at that time, lmao.

      Makes sense when you have ADHD though, I seem to always forget about the time.

  5. there was a thunderstorm last night and it was so bad that i started counting the lightning strikes lol (they would strike every couple seconds)

  6. can't believe the silly bear is 7 years old now already

  7. how ya'll doing

    just got a new back porch (+ new roof)

    feelin' good about myself considering it scorches here from where i'm at during summer evenings, and the back porch is where the shade is

  8. one of these days i'll finally start making actual minecraft animations (i've been practicing :steve_wink:)

    1. LacaMenDRY


      Good Luck Practicing.

  9. played that funny rhythm game, is good

  10. Was going through some of my computer files and found this. How did 9 year-old me find this funny..?


    1. Spontaneous Explosions

      Spontaneous Explosions

      Because 9 year old you had a...refined taste. ?

  11. I feel mildly uncomfortable looking at RTX Morshu.

  12. Everyone's happy that 2020 is finally ending, I'm just upset that flash ended it's support today. ?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more


      Hey boy, watch your language.

    3. Spontaneous Explosions

      Spontaneous Explosions

      It's still 2020 in my time zone lol.

    4. Cryptic Runner

      Cryptic Runner

      there's some people basically just copying and pasting flash, also most popular flash games (happy wheels for example) have moved on, either as a real game to buy & download or as javascript/html5 games

  13. Got an Xbox, Two new mouses, A Gift card, Some M&M's, skittles and the funny sus game for Quismas.

    Feels good.

  14. The tube's down.

    Guess I'll have to resort to watching my videos I have in my Switch Album.

    1. Mime360 Animations

      Mime360 Animations

      Aaaaaand there goes the cord too.

      Pain. Nothing but pain.

      At least I can go outside now.

  15. Finally got a night stand for Christmas.

    Feels good man.

  16. My computer has gotten so old to the point where It crashed 3 times tonight, 2 of em showing hard drive problems, and the final one just being a regular crash.


    1. MojangYang


      your drive is physically dying. Now is definitely time to at least get a new drive and clone everything over, before it sucumbs to platter damage.

      oops just realized how old this status is oops

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