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Everything posted by DarkDragonPro

  2. Oh ok that explains it then
  3. You say you did that in five hours? That's what I achieve in half. I'm not trying to be rude I'm just...surprised.
  4. Generic dubstep and now...this? *insert throwing self out of window gif*
  5. Hmm. When I render it sounds fine...meh whatever.
  6. If I was fighting someone then I probably would of sped it up. Seeing as it was just a training dummy, there was no need for speed.
  7. I originally didn't want to post this due to not wanting disses but yolo... If you like, good on ya...
  8. I think just calling it. Undertale (Minecraft animation) would be better.
  9. Am I the only one who read that text underneath? Don't ask people for subscribers dude. It makes people Less likely to sub to you or the channel. Animation wise...it's pretty good, all I can suggest is watch yourself or someone else punching the air or person. It will help
  10. 3 things. One: that was amazing. Two: the name "in minecraft" annoys me for some reason... Three: That end reminds me of the Undertale leitmotif videos.
  11. Skjold complained when I didn't use much scenery. People complain when you have flat grass. Those two things mean that if you want to make a fully fledged animation with: Storyline, voice acting, etc... You need scenery to make it look like it's not staged. Like it's in a world instead of on a set. This has been going on for long enough now, I'm going to shut up.
  12. Needed more...Push? Like an ease in cubic to make it seem more...slashy?... idk I'm trying to help....I think I failed though.
  13. I'm talking about having good scenery. Not the actual animation.
  14. It's not the Mine Imator animation I'm complaining about. It's the generic bouncing around with music part that you did in blender. I know I sounded rude but seriously I'm hating with the same opinion as Skjold. "Well yeah you're so good right?" I may not be Amazing when it comes to animating but I can still have an opinion. Plus, I haven't had the chance to produce a high quality animation because of having a bad computer. So look out for a -might be not bad- animation by me.
  15. Admydhcteer hesdd swerin!!!! lol
  16. I hate giveaways. I hate WAY to much after effects intros. I hate the fact that the transition between mine imator and blender suck. You sir, ate probably the first person on the forums to really annoy me.
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