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Status Updates posted by CarlHeadCrashed

  1. god, no more five nights, please.

    1. Ethaniel


      dont worry 4 is the last

    2. CarlHeadCrashed
  2. if i had to choose between 4 dlc packs (uprising, revolution, vengeance, apocalypse) which one would be the best to buy (equal prices btw)

    1. DigitalEvorian


      apocalypse... always... of course.

    2. Aronanners


      For what game?

    3. CarlHeadCrashed
  3. for almost every time somebody gets ban, people make such a big deal about it.

  4. im scared cuz te gud uf chroble said he's shipping his char with mine, like he did with mahbkilla

  5. Omg yus! I haf gutn blak opz 2 somb-eez n blak opz 2 molty-plyr n blak opz 2 kampane

  6. Can anyone give me animation ideas? No wrong answers.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CarlHeadCrashed


      @endervaren you just hit me with a great idesa

    3. CucumberHorse


      re-animate a youtube video

    4. MobKiller Animations
  7. happy birthday allen!

  8. Scott, no.

    1. MobKiller Animations

      MobKiller Animations

      I know right

      So many teasers

    2. Ironwave Studios

      Ironwave Studios

      small, terrible things confirmt

  9. doo any uf you want to play gmod?

    1. SDWAN


      yus pls. IM BORED!

    2. Caeden117
  10. Are you ready forumers?

  11. what do you call a magic owl?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Zilten



    3. SDWAN


      man that got annoying fast. Thank ya Vanoss

    4. MrPops


      You watch vanoss too :o

  12. legodude made a restaurant in gmod, and I dated a man named Melonee and a corpse named Bill

    1. KindZax


      it was the best restaurant in gmod.. too bad it closed 4ever

  13. Goodbye forums! I'm going to the outside world! *walks out my room door and walks back in* New record

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ocelot


      How is it that the homeschooled kids are so good at the stuff I want to be good at? GIVE ME YOUR GODDAMNED TIME! ;n;

    3. Ironwave Studios

      Ironwave Studios

      @Ocelot It's not that they have extra time, all homeschooled kids actually have mutant powers to learn things faster than any human... They have other, more despicable powers as well, and those powers are the whole reason they are homeschooled in the first place... #science... duh...

    4. Ocelot



      I'm still jelly

  14. does anybody want to play gmod?

  15. I have fast internet. *yels in the background* thanks mahm!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. StevenMator


      I have slow internet. *yels in the background* when will they fix it!

    3. Ocelot


      r u jackieboi

  16. anyone wanna play nazi zombies?

    1. Ethaniel


      dont play anything related to CoD sorry

  17. so my mom ordered a book, and this is what it looked like (sexual reference warning): http://imgur.com/j83X3rK

  18. iSheep x Pink Sheep #2,384,967

  19. I had some bits of chicken and some popcorn with me. Instead of the popcorn, I went for the chicken bits.

  20. bring on teh ships

  21. LJ x Sammy

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CarlHeadCrashed


      both of you are sanic fans tho.

    3. toaster4


      I hate Sanic! I'm a Sonic fan, not a Sanic fan

    4. CarlHeadCrashed


      they're the same, cuz they gotta go fast

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