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Everything posted by Poyo

  1. State-wide standardised test time, woo. :P

  2. If you've got an iOS device, go download an app called speech jammer. You won't regret it.

    1. ÜberKiller


      I regret it immediately.

    2. Poyo
  3. Poyo

    Copying Frames?

    Er, what? This can already be done in even 0.6.
  4. I see someone has a knack for use of unicode and grammar.
  5. Poyo


    Same (as we have discussed before ).
  6. Again, they are not models, just reskins.
  7. Don't ever post again. ;)

  8. Who needs cars when you have SWEG? http://www.michaeltaylor.ca/ind/507-sweg-mt.jpg

    1. The Lord

      The Lord

      That somehow made my night.

  9. Hey, it's one day past my birthday! Well, that's a really great birthday present :')
  10. Poyo

    Large Items

    Mine-imator subdivides the image 16 times, resulting in 64 items. It does this regardless of the size of the image. If you use a 16x16 pixel image, each item will be 1px. 32x32, 2px. For higher than normal, use anything higher than 256x256. Using a 1024x1024 image will make each item 64x64 pixels.
  11. Wait... I'm wondering if the particle system in 1.0.0 allows for particles to be randomly spawned on a plane or surface rather than from a single point. If so, then you could create a single raindrop particle, make it randomly fall from a plane above the scene, and set the velocity randomization to 0.
  12. I feel like I'm the only one my age who even remotely understands quantum mechanics. Sniff.

  13. Remember to look around the forums before asking questions like this, it's been said many times before Mine-imator will be a pay-what-you-what thing. Basically, you don't have to pay anything if you don't want to, but you can donate if you do want to support David.
  14. Right now, it's Friday in about 90% of the world. We do have Saturday and Sunday to look forward to, but there are still eight possible release dates left.
  15. Usually, it's not considered a joke if the person persists onwards more than one post. Remember this is the internet, we can't hear your voice. Sarcasm is very hard to differentiate from sincerity. Remember to use this symbol when indicating irony or sarcasm. ؟ Of course I believe you. ؟ Also, note that I will not further discussion any more. Don't bother trying to rebuke this.
  16. For the black screen: change the codec when exporting. For the wrong length: this.
  17. I'm about to take a massive state-wide test. :I

    1. Shah


      Hope you do well. Good Luck.

  18. Usually, that's the case. In professional animation, multiple scenes, like camera jumps, are all done on separate files, even if they are in the same set.
  19. Poyo

    You've got 999 rep. Don't let anyone ruin it. Get someone to downvote you should you need to. :)

  20. I need a bit of help with custom IK rigging in Blender. If you know your way around and can help me, please join my chatroom with this link! http://webchat.esper.net/?nick=PoyoHelper...&channels=Poyoarya&prompt=1

  21. That's why you don't use pixelated textures on curved geometric objects.
  22. Yeah, suuuuuure, follow the gut. In all seriousness though, I think David's gonna pull through on this one. What's different about this release date is that he's shown us that nearly all of the rewriting of the code is done. In previous months, he's merely stated so, with no evidence to show for it. April brought a huge amount of reveals on cool new features, indicating that it's close to being ready for use. In fact, he's probably been spending these past few weeks mostly ironing out bugs that will hinder us for the big update.
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