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Good Work. I don't see anything 'wrong' with it, but I might suggest a few areas where you could focus if you want to improve it.

From the point of jumping on to the pressure plate until the end, Steve is rather rigid. Jumping, placing a block, and falling could all be more stylized. This isn't really a matter of right or wrong, but telling a story with movements.

I can tell you already spent some time on it. I look forward to seeing more from you.

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Your skills are getting better, slowly and surely, I'll tell you that, but don't get overzealous.
Remember that good animation takes time, and don't be pressured by wanting to release an animation every day or two.

To address the animation itself: You are getting better. Camera movement and lighting can definitely use some work, plus some of the character movements were good but not necessarily smooth or fluent. The story the animation tells doesn't really flow very well with a seemingly random 1st person part and randomly building a bridge in the sky, but it is excusable because it's just a test. Other than that, there's just a little bit of physics issues which make things a bit unrealistic.

Edited by Joshinja ( ಠ ͜ʖಠ)
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1 minute ago, Joshinja ( ಠ ͜ʖಠ) said:

Your skills are getting better, slowly and surely, I'll tell you that, but don't get overzealous.
Remember that good animation takes time, and don't be pressured by wanting to release an animation every day or two.

To address the animation itself: You are getting better. Camera movement and lighting can definitely use some work, plus some of the character movements were good but not necessarily smooth or fluent. The story the animation tells doesn't really flow very well with a seemingly random 1st person part and randomly building a pillar in the sky, but it is excusable because it's just a test. Other than that, there's just a little bit of physics issues which make things a bit unrealistic.

Minecraft Physics don't make sense 

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