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What main thing i miss in the old version of mine-imator

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The open chest instead of a black texture is what i miss the most in mine imator.


When opening a chest the items in the chest are visible at the bottom while now its just a black texture and no open chest in 1.0.0

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The open chest feature is still there actually. Just remove a certian part of the chest texture. And then have you're mind blown.

I actually wonder why this isn't the default setting. There isn't a point to having the black line over the texture when it still generates the blocks underneath.


Edit: here is a fix. Just select these textures when using a chest.



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I actually wonder why this isn't the default setting. There isn't a point to having the black line over the texture when it still generates the blocks underneath.


Edit: here is a fix. Just select these textures when using a chest.



If mienimator was on linux, i would try this.
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You know what I miss from Mine-imator?




Why must it be cut? It's the only way I can be sure an animation gets saved properly. Also, if I open a .mproj file, make some changes to it and want to rename it, I would use "Save As" and enter the new name, and as an added bonus I could still keep the old one as backup. It's far more useful than our regular save. I hate clicking Save, because I'm never sure if it saved properly and I always end up spamming it.


I can live without all these highly requested new features, but I can't feel secure with the new "One save option only" version of Mine-imator. I just can't.


And may I add that it honestly bothers me to no end that no one I'm aware of has brought this up yet. The lack of time travelling buttons (Undo and Redo) makes the "One save option only" even worse! We always have to rely on .mbackup files that are created without any notice, meaning we're never sure if one was created or not. I'm sorry, but no. I can't properly work with 1.0.0 without the all-important "Save As" feature!


So yeah. That's what I miss the most from older versions of Mineimator. If you find a reason why the regular save is better that "Save As," please let me know.

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I think it's not there because mineimator now manages your projects differently (the project folder)

Also mbackup files will geht created in regular time Intervalls, i think you can even set how often in the settings.

Also normally files don't get corrupted, just press the button 2 times and you should be good

Also a filr can get "not saved correctly" as well if you use the save as feature

Edited by myluki2000
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