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Hello Everybody!


I'm creating my own Mine Z animation series! For now I'm just calling it Mine Z: Animated. However if you have any other names I'll be glad to listen! Just PM me!


Now to the point. I need characters for the series. They don't have to be your Minecraft or Mine-Imator Forums name, they can be OC's, or just random characters. I don't need any specific types of characters but I do need a fair amount.


Here is the form for being a character.

Character Name:

Character Skin:


Special Abbilities(if any):

Weaknesses(try to make them balance out your abilities):

Survival Time(How long you survive):

Short Backstory(optional):

Anything else?:


You can make multiple characters there is a limit of 6 max. 

Here is the poster for Season 1.





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Character Name: Airi

Character Skin: Under le profile pic

Traits(Personality): Intelligent, kind, a bit of a procrastinator (okay maybe more than a bit)

Special Abbilities(if any): Charmspeaking (Saying stuff and then making people believe them)

Weaknesses(try to make them balance out your abilities): HUGE procrastinator!

Survival Time(How long you survive): Dunno. But don't make me die in like the first five minutes. I wanna last for a while.

Short Backstory(optional): I have no idea what Mine Z is so... :/ (XDDD)

Anything else?: Nada.

Edited by It's_That_Endergirl
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Character Name: Matt

Character Skin: Under my picture.

Traits(Personality): Quiet, loyal

Special Abbilities(if any): Nope.

Weaknesses(try to make them balance out your abilities):

Survival Time(How long you survive): At least 75 days

Short Backstory(optional): His parents died when he was 9, and he learned to survive on his own.

Anything else?: Not really.

Edited by ZombiesFan115
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why do u have a mac and windows? why not one?


Character Name: nick

Character Skin: under profile pic

Traits(Personality): bad a

Special Abbilities(if any): to much work

Weaknesses(try to make them balance out your abilities): to much work

Survival Time(How long you survive): to much work

Short Backstory(optional): to much work

Anything else?: to much work

Edited by nickandfriends11
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Character Name: jorgedoseMC

Character Skin: profile pic

Traits(Personality): Hidden and secret, being most wanted

Special Abbilities(if any): powers, one of them flying, I have over 200 powers

Weaknesses(try to make them balance out your abilities): annoyness

Survival Time(How long you survive): to the end, being one of the survivors (I'm god)

Short Backstory(optional):

Anything else?: I like cheese

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Character Name: Johny

Character Skin: Unda ma face

Traits(Personality): Really stupid 

Special Abbilities(if any): None

Weaknesses(try to make them balance out your abilities): Uhhhh... Idunno

Survival Time(How long you survive): 3-5 minutes?

Short Backstory(optional): Nope

Anything else?: Nope

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Character name: Chris

Character skin: Under my profile picture

Traits: Stealth Parkour & Aggressive

Special abilities: None

Weaknesses: Bitten by a zombie

Survival time: 2 Years

Short backstory: He learned Parkour combat and survival skills

Anything else?: That's all

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Character Name: Deminu

Character Skin: In sig

Traits(Personality): Dark, secretive, dangerous

Special Abbilities(if any): Can become ender form if he is seperated from his ender crystal, and has the power of herobrine,ie making his eyes go white and gets super powerful. His father is herobrine, which he Trys to keep secret

Weaknesses(try to make them balance out your abilities): Going herobrine mode drains his energy a lot

Survival Time(How long you survive): A long time

Short Backstory(optional): This is from an RP, use it for a line if you want with tweaks to suit the scene

Deminu: All right then... Well, at one point I was half human, half dragon, but I never realized it because the dragon part of me was dormant for quite some time... Then, I decided to go the the Ender and defeat the ender dragon, but when I did it bit me. It passed on it's curse to me, and I turned into that... Ender thing, and I discovered this ender crystal*Pulls out the crystal*that turned me back to a human when it was in my possession. When I don't have it though, I go back to that.*Puts it in his pocket* Eventually I met Amethyst, and discovered that the Ender Dragon was her father, Onyx_Dragon, who had come back to life. I wanted to run away, knowing that I had done something so terrible, but I came back. My father has tried to take control of me countless times, as you saw previously. At one point, Onyx_Dragon named me his heri, despite all that I had done, and from then on he was the father I never had... But then, Amethyst was killed, and Onyx_Dragon had to sacrifice his life to bring her back. After that, I became the lord of the end, and therefore the next ender dragon. Me and Amethyst got seperated though, after the Donos came. I was trying to find her when I came across you guys, and you know the rest.

Anything else?: Pm for ender sword(weapon) and ender crystal textures.

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Character Name: Edyson Kurik

Character Skin: KiLlEr10312.png

Traits(Personality): A very distant, and mysterious character. Very intelligent and strong.

Special Abilities(if any): Able to breathe out dangerous chemicals with a gas mask. Able to see during the night.

Weaknesses(try to make them balance out your abilities): Vision during daylight is nerfed. (Everything gets a little too bright, making distant targets harder to spot.)

Survival Time(How long you survive): 12 years (Previously had survived for 10 years, where he currently is on his lives on his 11th year.)


Short Backstory (optional):



At the age of 21, Widowed Edyson was enlisted to fight alongside in the war against the Infected. He had deserted the army's efforts as the plague grew worse. Fearing for his daughter, he rushes back home to get her and leave the city of Springfield. Their car was totaled off of a cliff, due to an infected climbing on the windshield.


Recovering from the crash, the zombie had latched on to her daughter, where Edyson kicks it off and begins to kick and punch the infected until it went limp. A bite mark was seen on her Daughter's arm, where Edyson was mortified and had no choice but to kill his beloved daughter, Marie.


Now he only lives on to help those in need of survival. At the same time, he is very notorious for committing crimes by stealing from those who bulk up resources; only to give to those who need them. After all he has been through, he chooses to cover his face with a mask and cover his eyes with Military Grade Contacts, involved from a secret project known as Project Contact. He has refused to reveal any more information.


He is known for carrying with him an Army Knife, an M1911 pistol, and a Scoped Hunting Rifle with a knife bayonet, which he stole as a prize against a group of raiders.


A skilled marksman and able nomad, Edyson also proves to be a valiant combatant against the infected.

Anything else?: You may use what you wish with him, and you may remove any weapons that seem too OP. Also a note, that Edyson was Widowed, as it says in the Backstory. Meaning he lost his wife at the age of 19.

Edited by ÜberKiller
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Character Name:booga

Character Skin: under pic

Traits(Personality):jerk rude sarcastic

Special Abbilities(if any):any power you can possibly think of(mostly telekinesis btw hes a mage)

Weaknesses(try to make them balance out your abilities): magic free zones

Survival Time(How long you survive): im my bio he never dies hes cursed but you can choose when if you eant

Short Backstory(optional):booga is herobrines first son but minutes after he was born he was taken to the land of demons where he ends up being there ruler

Anything else?: hes a demon discuised as a human and herobrine cursed him to live forever

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Character Name:booga

Character Skin: under pic

Traits(Personality):jerk rude sarcastic

Special Abbilities(if any):any power you can possibly think of(mostly telekinesis btw hes a mage)

Weaknesses(try to make them balance out your abilities): magic free zones

Survival Time(How long you survive): im my bio he never dies hes cursed but you can choose when if you eant

Short Backstory(optional):booga is herobrines first son but minutes after he was born he was taken to the land of demons where he ends up being there ruler

Anything else?: hes a demon discuised as a human and herobrine cursed him to live forever

Wait, since when is Booga his first son?
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Character Name:Blitz

Character Skin:Check it out in my sig

Traits(Personality):Adamant and something funny guy

Special Abbilities(if any):Very fast sword wielder.

Weaknesses(try to make them balance out your abilities):Slime

Survival Time(How long you survive):Depends on you

Short Backstory(optional):no back story

Anything else?:Give me sword :3

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I put you in my animation please do the same for me...



Character Name:iceek

Character Skin: in my profile

Traits(Personality): Sleeps most of the time (When awake energetic)

Special Abbilities(if any):While Sleeping becomes frozen 

Weaknesses(try to make them balance out your abilities):Melt by fire/lava (

Survival Time(How long you survive): 1 episode and in the middle of the second episode i die (When i fall asleep someone breaks the ice and I am in peices

Short Backstory(optional):Born in an avalanche 

Anything else?:Did I mention I only sleep when my head hits something???

Edited by iceek51
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Character Name: Millerbros

Character Skin: Millerbros.png

Traits(Personality): Nice, Funny, Heroic

Special Abbilities(if any): Great Sword Wielder 

Weaknesses(try to make them balance out your abilities): Long range weapons

Survival Time(How long you survive): How about till mid of season 2

Short Backstory(optional): No one knows his backstory

Anything else?: Nah

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Character Name: JCC

Character Skin: Ugh. here: 9qhUOxx.png

Traits(Personality): The Healer Type (Like a Hero)

Special Abbilities(if any): Get rid of this option. in Mine Z, No abilities!

Weaknesses(try to make them balance out your abilities): Same thing as above.

Survival Time(How long you survive): About 50 days average. (50-150 days)

Anything else?: Oh ya, did you know shears heal players? And i can make part of the animation. and also edit. and maybe make a cool poster for Season 2?


Accepted. You are in the series. And I would love to see a poster for Season 2!



Character Name: Airi

Character Skin: Under le profile pic

Traits(Personality): Intelligent, kind, a bit of a procrastinator (okay maybe more than a bit)

Special Abbilities(if any): Charmspeaking (Saying stuff and then making people believe them)

Weaknesses(try to make them balance out your abilities): HUGE procrastinator!

Survival Time(How long you survive): Dunno. But don't make me die in like the first five minutes. I wanna last for a while.

Short Backstory(optional): I have no idea what Mine Z is so... :/ (XDDD)

Anything else?: Nada.


Accepted. Also Mine Z is Minecraft Zombie Apocalypse.



Character Name: Matt

Character Skin: Under my picture.

Traits(Personality): Quiet, loyal

Special Abbilities(if any): Nope.

Weaknesses(try to make them balance out your abilities):

Survival Time(How long you survive): At least 75 days

Short Backstory(optional): His parents died when he was 9, and he learned to survive on his own.

Anything else?: Not really.




why do u have a mac and windows? why not one?


Character Name: nick

Character Skin: under profile pic

Traits(Personality): bad a

Special Abbilities(if any): to much work

Weaknesses(try to make them balance out your abilities): to much work

Survival Time(How long you survive): to much work

Short Backstory(optional): to much work

Anything else?: to much work

Accepted. I'll make up some stuff for your character.


Character Name: jorgedoseMC

Character Skin: profile pic

Traits(Personality): Hidden and secret, being most wanted

Special Abbilities(if any): powers, one of them flying, I have over 200 powers

Weaknesses(try to make them balance out your abilities): annoyness

Survival Time(How long you survive): to the end, being one of the survivors (I'm god)

Short Backstory(optional):

Anything else?: I like cheese


Accepted. Please Note: I'm probably going to tone down your character... sorry.



Character Name: Johny

Character Skin: Unda ma face

Traits(Personality): Really stupid 

Special Abbilities(if any): None

Weaknesses(try to make them balance out your abilities): Uhhhh... Idunno

Survival Time(How long you survive): 3-5 minutes?

Short Backstory(optional): Nope

Anything else?: Nope




Character name: Chris

Character skin: Under my profile picture

Traits: Stealth Parkour & Aggressive

Special abilities: None

Weaknesses: Bitten by a zombie

Survival time: 2 Years

Short backstory: He learned Parkour combat and survival skills

Anything else?: That's all



Character Name: Deminu

Character Skin: In sig

Traits(Personality): Dark, secretive, dangerous

Special Abbilities(if any): Can become ender form if he is seperated from his ender crystal, and has the power of herobrine,ie making his eyes go white and gets super powerful. His father is herobrine, which he Trys to keep secret

Weaknesses(try to make them balance out your abilities): Going herobrine mode drains his energy a lot

Survival Time(How long you survive): A long time

Short Backstory(optional): This is from an RP, use it for a line if you want with tweaks to suit the scene

Deminu: All right then... Well, at one point I was half human, half dragon, but I never realized it because the dragon part of me was dormant for quite some time... Then, I decided to go the the Ender and defeat the ender dragon, but when I did it bit me. It passed on it's curse to me, and I turned into that... Ender thing, and I discovered this ender crystal*Pulls out the crystal*that turned me back to a human when it was in my possession. When I don't have it though, I go back to that.*Puts it in his pocket* Eventually I met Amethyst, and discovered that the Ender Dragon was her father, Onyx_Dragon, who had come back to life. I wanted to run away, knowing that I had done something so terrible, but I came back. My father has tried to take control of me countless times, as you saw previously. At one point, Onyx_Dragon named me his heri, despite all that I had done, and from then on he was the father I never had... But then, Amethyst was killed, and Onyx_Dragon had to sacrifice his life to bring her back. After that, I became the lord of the end, and therefore the next ender dragon. Me and Amethyst got seperated though, after the Donos came. I was trying to find her when I came across you guys, and you know the rest.

Anything else?: Pm for ender sword(weapon) and ender crystal textures.

Accepted. I like the idea of you and Booga being twins... I might use that.

Edited by TheTanookiLink
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Character Name: Edyson Kurik

Character Skin: KiLlEr10312.png

Traits(Personality): A very distant, and mysterious character. Very intelligent and strong.

Special Abilities(if any): Able to breathe out dangerous chemicals with a gas mask. Able to see during the night.

Weaknesses(try to make them balance out your abilities): Vision during daylight is nerfed. (Everything gets a little too bright, making distant targets harder to spot.)

Survival Time(How long you survive): 12 years (Previously had survived for 10 years, where he currently is on his lives on his 11th year.)


Short Backstory (optional):



At the age of 21, Widowed Edyson was enlisted to fight alongside in the war against the Infected. He had deserted the army's efforts as the plague grew worse. Fearing for his daughter, he rushes back home to get her and leave the city of Springfield. Their car was totaled off of a cliff, due to an infected climbing on the windshield.


Recovering from the crash, the zombie had latched on to her daughter, where Edyson kicks it off and begins to kick and punch the infected until it went limp. A bite mark was seen on her Daughter's arm, where Edyson was mortified and had no choice but to kill his beloved daughter, Marie.


Now he only lives on to help those in need of survival. At the same time, he is very notorious for committing crimes by stealing from those who bulk up resources; only to give to those who need them. After all he has been through, he chooses to cover his face with a mask and cover his eyes with Military Grade Contacts, involved from a secret project known as Project Contact. He has refused to reveal any more information.


He is known for carrying with him an Army Knife, an M1911 pistol, and a Scoped Hunting Rifle with a knife bayonet, which he stole as a prize against a group of raiders.


A skilled marksman and able nomad, Edyson also proves to be a valiant combatant against the infected.

Anything else?: You may use what you wish with him, and you may remove any weapons that seem too OP. Also a note, that Edyson was Widowed, as it says in the Backstory. Meaning he lost his wife at the age of 19.



Character Name:booga

Character Skin: under pic

Traits(Personality):jerk rude sarcastic

Special Abbilities(if any):any power you can possibly think of(mostly telekinesis btw hes a mage)

Weaknesses(try to make them balance out your abilities): magic free zones

Survival Time(How long you survive): im my bio he never dies hes cursed but you can choose when if you eant

Short Backstory(optional):booga is herobrines first son but minutes after he was born he was taken to the land of demons where he ends up being there ruler

Anything else?: hes a demon discuised as a human and herobrine cursed him to live forever





Character Name:Blitz

Character Skin:Check it out in my sig

Traits(Personality):Adamant and something funny guy

Special Abbilities(if any):Very fast sword wielder.

Weaknesses(try to make them balance out your abilities):Slime

Survival Time(How long you survive):Depends on you

Short Backstory(optional):no back story

Anything else?:Give me sword :3





I put you in my animation please do the same for me...



Character Name:iceek

Character Skin: in my profile

Traits(Personality): Sleeps most of the time (When awake energetic)

Special Abbilities(if any):While Sleeping becomes frozen 

Weaknesses(try to make them balance out your abilities):Melt by fire/lava (

Survival Time(How long you survive): 1 episode and in the middle of the second episode i die (When i fall asleep someone breaks the ice and I am in peices

Short Backstory(optional):Born in an avalanche 

Anything else?:Did I mention I only sleep when my head hits something???





Character Name: Millerbros

Character Skin: Millerbros.png

Traits(Personality): Nice, Funny, Heroic

Special Abbilities(if any): Great Sword Wielder 

Weaknesses(try to make them balance out your abilities): Long range weapons

Survival Time(How long you survive): How about till mid of season 2

Short Backstory(optional): No one knows his backstory

Anything else?: Nah




Thanks for volunteering guys! I think that's all the characters I'll need!

It wasn't letting me post until someone else posted.  xD

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Character Name: Zonia (or also known as AkmalZonia)

Character Skin: lpf3jsX.png (Not using my steampunk skin for this :P)

Traits(Personality): Easy going, Good at redstone, Does not like being picked on xD

Special Abbilities(if any): A powerful redstone mind

Weaknesses(try to make them balance out your abilities): Uhm... No redstone resource? 

Survival Time(How long you survive): Depends, 

Short Backstory(optional): Got no time Lol :P

Anything else?: Redstone gun FTW, The handle covers the hand, but Depends on you on how you want to design it, But its a redstone gun

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