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Hello friends! This time I show you a challenge formed by the Mine-imator Spanish community from a Discord group. The challenge is to make a render for each day for a month, that is: 30 RENDERS!? We have already started day one, but if you want to participate, you need to follow these rules: 1. MAKE ONE RENDER A DAY (Yep, that is) , posting in the discord spanish community server and using the hashtags #30MCRendersChallenge #MineimatorSpanish #Mineimator on your social media. Here some day 1 renders: Discord server where the challenge is made and more information: (Join us, we have cookies) Thank you so much for reading!
- Part:1 of Series I'm creating!! Wanna be featured in the Next Part just leave your skin down below. Because next one includes a Village
Animate this song if your bored or you just wanna animate something (You don't have to animate the actual music video)
DESCRIPTION Hello guys, this is the first animation that i make. This animation is a fight and have a story... STORY OF THIS ANIMATION One day, Kiu had just finished his house and went to mine with Random. Meanwhile, they heard a very scary sound coming from the surface. They decided not to return to her while they did not find diamonds. The next day, they had found some diamonds and returned to the surface. Getting there was evening, they found their house on fire! While they extinguished the fire, a mysterious player white eyes appeared in the flames and then disappeared. After having repaired his house, Kiu researched more about the mysterious player white eyes, and found that player was actually... Herobrine! Then he took her diamonds, made a sword, and went to the Dark Cathedral, where Herobrine lives, to have their revenge! Before going he told Random: -Save-the gift I gave you. And take up to the Dark Cathedral in a day! I hope you enjoy my first animation Thanks for watching
He won't believe me the knife game by MinecraftTheGuys was made on mine-imator, so a made a proof B)