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Status Updates posted by corkscrew

  1. So I'm supposed to be working right now( ~'3'~)

  2. See you guys later. It's been a fun ride.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Paul Sheldon

      Paul Sheldon

      Sniper takes hat off

    3. umbreon
    4. DigitalEvorian


      Hail yele old SurvivorCrafters "snipah takes hat off stares down sad"

  3. I wrote over 2,000 words in an hour and a half last night for my novel.

    1. Shah


      Whoa. And a download for the running loop? (I know im being pushy, sorry 'bout that...)

    2. tditdatdwt
    3. corkscrew


      @AwesomeShah, I decided against releasing it.

  4. I went to NYC yesterday and went up into 7 World Trade Center.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. corkscrew


      There will be in 2015.

    3. Frossa


      time travelling is hax

    4. corkscrew


      No, they actually got the 7th one done. My friends dad worked on the ventilation there.

  5. There was a moose who drank his juice.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zeno


      There was then a chip foose who spilled the Mooses juice, and spilled it on his hemi cuda

    3. Zilten


      There Was A Caboose That Ran Over The Go.ose That Stole The Moose's Juice

    4. Giaboom


      ^poor He-who-is-Loose.^

  6. I'm happy. Vegas' finally fixed, so now I can continue the series!! :D

  7. Still need Voice Actors for Mohegan and Sienna: http://goo.gl/rqdG7M

  8. Thanks for the 132 subs, I couldn't have gotten here without you all!

  9. Toss-up between 'Lost at Sea' by Zedd and 'Build Me Up Buttercup' by the Foundations for my favorite song...MUSIC WHY DO YOU SO PLAGUE ME??

  10. So I'm pretty excited. It seems like a few opportunities are opening up for me. Besides VA'ing for FedoraCO, announcing at my school games...I think this should be a cool week.

  11. Ugh...I am not having a good day with Sony Vegas...

    1. Artleck


      I have had problems with Vegas before.. and they can be a pain :/

    2. GLaDOSV_3


      Ive never actually had problems with sony vegas

  12. Never mind. Carry on.

  13. I need someone who knows how to make good skins make an evil knight skin for me. PM for deets. Thanks!

    1. corkscrew


      This'll be used in the Chronicles of Change.

  14. Okay, just for clarification, this ☃ is a snowman.

    1. CraftGirl300


      Thought it was a demon sacrifice symbol.

    2. corkscrew
    3. tditdatdwt


      ...people here have very %$%4gbg54e4egE^r5h%h6Bb$b4 minds..

  15. Ever have one of those days that. no matter how much progress you make on any number of projects, you don't feel accomplished unless you finish them?

    1. corkscrew



    2. KrisFirebolt
    3. Acorus


      every day...every day but thats because im animating moonlight ( A parody) Into the aether another parody herobrine the movie, and many other secret projections.

  16. Phew...when you can't find coding knowledge anywhere, setting up a decent website is crap...

    1. david
    2. corkscrew


      @Davvid Thanks! This solved all my problems but my own laziness. I better get to it, I've got coding to learn.

  17. New Channel art, Blizzard logo's done. Workin' to put up a website.

  18. Clan name decided. Blizzard. After logo's done, I will begin accepting applicants

    1. KrisFirebolt


      Hello Blizzard, hows your day been doin?

    2. Zeno


      My vote won! :D

  19. Probs not going to be on that much. Need to scrape my face off the screen and dive back into real life. Ciao for now.

    1. corkscrew
    2. Paul Sheldon

      Paul Sheldon

      I was kinda thinking the same... but i dont want to leave my channel and make my subs think that im dead.

    3. corkscrew


      My YouTube's still gonna be used regularly.

      Stay beautiful, people

  20. People. Seriously.

    1. corkscrew


      Ah, well. Bullets and explosions make things better, especially with friends in the woods. Cya.

    2. Paul Sheldon
  21. Just broke 500 posts. Woohoo...I guess.

    1. corkscrew


      (I might be coming on less...yeesh...)

  22. Positioning a sleeping Minecraft character is probably th emost akwarrd thing ever.

    1. corkscrew





      Man, that was poor spelling.

    2. Aronanners
    3. corkscrew


      @Aronan, I believe you meant *:3

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