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Everything posted by Qazwsxlion

  1. At what temperature does a US dollar disentegrate?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sebablixa
    3. ÜberKiller


      By the way, at that temp it does not disintegrate, it is prone to spontaneous combustion, (Which happens in about 2 - 5 minutes)

    4. EndahGurl


      Yay, explosions! Uh, fire. Whatever.

  2. aaawwww... would have been awesome though
  3. How was I supposed to know all this about boolean modifiers and stuff? I have other things to be worried about. And let me say it again. It's a suggestion. Not all suggestions are plausible. It's what I want to see from the program not you.
  4. Keep in mind this is a suggestion, and since we already got the rotation system finished, why not improve it? "Rotation System 2.0 - armature"
  5. Bones (Armature) What that is basically is a tool that helps you move characters into positions much easier, many limbs at once. Blender has this feature, Maya has this feature, flash, etc. Generally all the top notch programs have the bone feature. That's why they are top notch. And I think you guys are more then top notch. You guys are top ice cream. I guess if you want to add this, you'll also need to add smooth arm bending and stuff too but bones will make that easier. (Even body bending!) Still not convinced? Lets look at it from an economical stand point. You see, there are not that many programs with bone tools, but since it's so easy to use, people are always on the look out for them. You know, I almost used blander instead of mine-imator because of the bone tool. When you start announcing that a free kick-ass 3-d animator for a popular game, more people are going to notice it. And more people means more money. (Adfly). And... Well... That's all I got. BUT TRUST ME THATS NOT ALL THE REASONS WHY YOU HEAR ME?!??! derp.
  6. Hopefully I got that one right. Didn't know if you wanted your headphones under or over the cap so I just put it over. Problem with that is when you try to copy and paste parts from other skins, the skins colors change. If you look at my first gif, you see a camo soldier. on its arm, theres a black and white flag. It's supposed to be the american flag but something went wrong. But the reason I'm doing this is because I have the right tools to (generally) make that color saturation not happen, and if you have a real person do it, instead of like miners need cool shoes, you have much more options to choose from and I can fix certain pixels a regular program can't.
  7. Skin Fitting... No one (as far as I know) has done this before... DUN DUN DUNNNNNN *NOTE ALL GIFS AND PICTURES ARE MADE BY ME. EVEN THE AWESOME REDSTONE DIVIDERS.* WHAT I MEAN BY SKIN FITTING When I say Skin Fitting I mean like, you give me your normal skin, and then another skin you want your normal skin to wear. If you look at my "Skin Fitting!" Gif, you see my normal character first in his normal clothes, but then changes to wear, camo, WWII, Scout, and another random shirt. WHAT I DO FOR YOU So you can give me your normal skin, and whatever you want it to wear, and I'll merge it wearing it! Very basic but it can actually get hard to do it JUST right. I CAN... 1. Merge two skins together, exactly how it should look like if the character was wearing it, (I'm diagnosed with OCD so I ALWAYS need it perfect. 2. Make a Skin wear certain armor, give me the helmet, chestplate, leggings, and boots images though. 3. Uhhhh.... That's all I got. Oh well... FORMAT FOR ALL REQUESTS MainSkin: What it will be wearing: Anything specific? EXAMPLE OF A REQUEST MainSkin: What it will be wearing: Anything specific? Make sure the eyes of my main skin is visible from the bandanna/mouth muffler/I forget what it's called. Sorry but can't always be on to take requests because of the amount of homework I always have, but I will always try to get a skin done by 2-3 days, at max a week. (Maybe longer if i go some place and stuff...) I do indeed hope you get what I'm saying, you may not understand all this cause I'm a "To the point" kind of guy so yeah... And hopefully this is in the right section of the forums, I consider this in rigs because I am customizing something rather then just posting cool skins. (Depends on your definition of a rig.)
  8. Skin: Name: Qazwsxlion Role: Random guy that appears out of no where that tries to get the information about the universe first, gets to the top of the tower before anyone else, but then trips and slides down the stairs. Voice act: Just a cameo in the background that appears in many scenes in the crowd doing something stupid. (Background gags)
  9. You should like smooththe textures out so the diamond blocks are just a light blue, etc. now THAT would be smexy.
  10. everything is perfect except for the angel. It looks really... i dont know how to say it... Too diamondy? Might want to change the texture to a more solid texture. BUT THIS RIG IS FRIGGIN AWESOME!!!
  11. Hehe tell me what you think. I made this quite early in the morning though... <html> <body> <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/kHB47lQ7lrw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> </body> </html>
  12. sigh. Ive waited a month and it closed...
  13. Here. btw can u do hands if possible and the eyebrows same color as hair? same goes for eyes. same color as original eyes
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