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Everything posted by Tyford

  1. Is Subject 052 REALLY banned from chat? D;

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tyford


      I dont know, but he hasnt been on in a while, and people keep saying he is, as well as the fact Ayhay warned about langauge usage.

    3. RedcapCreations


      what did he do? use abusive language or non-English?

    4. Ayhay


      Yes he is. Swearing. If you want to know more, PM him, I'm sure he can show you exactly what he said, and has been saying.

  2. Well Uh, I cant really approve that, I have no authority here.. so... I really dont care if you do anyways...
  3. Agh! I accidentally downrepped it!! Can someone up reprise for me? Sorry stooge! The rig is awesome, I did NOT mean to downrep ya!
  4. Alrighty guys, I've been thinking. I am a friend of Peachfig, and I realized why he was banned was truly fair. Just think of how it would feel to be hated by almost all the people on the forums, as well as ruled out right away by other people to newbies. So, I know this might get me banned, but I say peachfig should be unbanned, and you people hating on him should be ashamed for not thinking of him, even though he mightve been rude. Do you even KNOW why he acts this way? Firstly, everyone...

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Tyford


      See, This is what I mean, there are people who DO care for him, but almost everyone else just rules him out as this bad person! C'mon, forum members, we aren't perfect either, me especially.

    3. BOOMmaker


      I liked Peach!

    4. CraftGirl300


      *cough* MayIsaythatpeachsusedhisfriendsaccountandgotthatfriendandhimbannedsopplcanstopsayingthathemadetheaccountDontbeilivemetofuckleingbaddoyouneedascreenshot?ohcarryontyford.mygoodnessineedspaces.

  5. Alrighty guys. I've been thinking lately, and I have actually been a friend of Peachfig

  6. Hm... GIFs.. life... what is life? What are gifs? Are we just gifs playing over and over again, waiting to repeat, and we dont know?

  7. Even after apologizing, Snivy still treats me like dirt.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. CraftGirl300


      They are trying to change the subject so it doesn't become all crazy-doodle.

    3. BOOMmaker


      Yup we're making it 'crazy crap' (as Pen said) instead of 'crazy-doodle' (like craft said)!

    4. BOOMmaker


      I'm banned, so i can't. :P

  8. Okay, I need to get this off my chest:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. KrisFirebolt


      ty, theres always my server, if you want to join we can talk about it in the inbox

    3. umbreon


      you can also tell me stuff bro. Just let me know.

    4. Tyford


      I dont wanna talk now, Snivy is still being a jerk, and I tried to apologize.

  9. I'm leavin' guys, I lost my best friend, and it was all my fault. I'm sorry Doc, and Snivy, as you requested, Bye.

    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. Acorus


      see ya in a week.

    3. BOOMmaker
    4. BOOMmaker


      You're one to talk Acorus, you said you were leaving a week ago!

  10. Oh, I think this is a great idea! It might be a little hard though, because mineimator already has some hard times uploading schematics and all, it may take a few updates, but this is a wonderful idea! I'd love some custom poses, so I dont have to do it again EVERY time...
  11. I have pnemonia again... DARNIT... I always get sick whenever a holiday or my birthday comes up... OH LOOK, HALLOWEEN... Oh wait Ty, You have the flu! Ooh, Thanksgiving break, may as well get a cold, and waste your weekend! Thanks... Life...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. umbreon


      life sucks as that

    3. umbreon


      but hey youre gonna spend time with your family! If thats good i guess

    4. corkscrew


      Fee' bettah doe.

  12. My chat isnt working! D=

    1. CraftGirl300


      Have you tried throwing you computer out the window?

  13. Im battling BOOMmaker.. xD

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BOOMmaker


      Not going well already!

    3. Archon


      I'm rooting for it to be a tie because lol I don't wanna pick sides!

    4. BOOMmaker


      Blast it! the connection keeps messing up!

  14. Depression... My best friend, after 5 years, just trashed me... Why cant i just be liked at my school...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. corkscrew


      I can't really say I've been there...but if you've been his friend for five years,and really, truly, his friend, then maybe he should get a second chance. I don't know how bad it was or what happened before. Move on if that's the case is all I can say. Good luck and best wishes.


    3. Penecho


      If he's truly your friend, you should be able to smooth things out. If he keeps doing this, then trash him back, because he probably wasn't your friend and he was taking advantage of you.

      Hope things work out!


      (Sorry for the late advice.)

    4. CraftGirl300


      Being normal is boring. Plain and dumb. Unteresting.

      But being different... It's fun, original, and makes live unique.

  15. Hallo Guys, i wanted to start a game based on what im hearing in chat, using rp characters, or non-rp characters. This is what you do: 1. Take two people that would be shipped, and why. 2. Ill be the first one to post, so you would pick me, not the people i chose, and ship me with someone. 3. Then, the person who comments right after you will ship you with someone, giving a reason. 4. This will go on until the game is over. 5. Dont forget, if you agree on a "shipping", show the person how much you appreciate it! ;D Mine: Peachfig and Shyeevee. I'D SHIP IT! Why: They both are pokemon, have their "Likes" ((Don't act clueless on what im talking about you two... )), and, they look like a good couple.
  16. It's in wallpapers and art, sir.
  17. That doesn't mean I wont eat you.
  18. --Hysterical Laughter-- You're so funny! I love eating human comedians!
  19. If you people were in chat... to see those horrors... --shudders-- This little enderman almost died...
  20. Funny you say... im looking at that site right now... but then again... it's a monthly purchase... so... time to start mowing lawns again! Thanks Waylon~
  21. Yes Ma'm! I couldnt add the crown 'cause paint can only do so much...
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