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Sir Mistick The Yopstick

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Posts posted by Sir Mistick The Yopstick

  1. Just now, Hozq said:

    This error is caused by MI running out of ram, there is nothing you can do about it except try to lower the amount of basically everything in your scene. Having too many keyframes on the exact same frame can cause this error, as well can too many objects/camera effects.

    oh , i got that one time...

  2.  off-topic: i hate it when people just post the log and do not put any additional information regarding their bug OR glitch...


    the developers don't know everything.

    on-topic: how did you get the crash?

  3. 37 minutes ago, MeetMaro said:

    i got this error after i reinstall

    action number 1
    of Create Event
    for object app:

    Attempting to read from outside the buffer, returning 0
    called from - gml_Script_buffer_read_byte (line 4)
    called from - gml_Script_json_load_char (line 1)
    called from - gml_Script_json_load_object (line 56)
    called from - gml_Script_json_load_value (line 1)
    called from - gml_Script_json_load_object (line 30)
    called from - gml_Script_json_load_value (line 1)
    called from - gml_Script_json_load_object (line 30)
    called from - gml_Script_json_load_value (line 1)
    called from - gml_Script_json_load_object (line 30)
    called from - gml_Script_json_load (line 1)
    called from - gml_Script_language_load (line 34)
    called from - gml_Script_app_startup_lists (line 332)
    called from - gml_Script_app_startup (line 30)
    called from - gml_Script_app_event_create (line 11)
    called from - gml_Object_app_Create_0 (line 0)


    yeah you cant run it

  4. On 1/14/2020 at 6:39 PM, lamainyourlol said:


    what's going on with the font???

    first off, you'll need to go to project settings

    below that you'll see different boxes you can click ex: library (if you have it already open, of course, scroll down and you'll see the background settings like the sun and moon textures.) 

    and by "reset" i don't know what you mean.

  5. This is  a major update i made to a bus rig i published to the forums some time ago!

    Judging by the old post, i think a ton lot of improvements were made to the rig.


    -Added sliding windows

    -Got Rid of the old wheels

    -Added better doors! 

    -Fixed The "wheel covers" and made them into seats. you can see on picture #3 on the spoiler down below.

    -Improved Mirrors! (It has a plane where you can put a camera and then select its texture to be "that" camera for a mirror effect!)

    Version 5.1 will have some changes to the sliding windows to make them better.

    Images Here:





    DOWNLOAD: https://www.mediafire.com/file/9opl28o4auslgbq/Tum_Bus_Rig_v4.1.rar/file

    Let me know what you think if this version is better than the old one! (you can also suggest changes!)

    and if YOU use it on an animation or wallpaper, you can tag me! i'd love to see the result.

  6. On 11/24/2019 at 11:40 PM, Glitch Block Studios said:

    So much linear... why is this good?

    linear transitions are good if you know how to use them, so i think he managed it out with linear...

    On 11/17/2019 at 12:41 PM, CRAZYKOKEBROZ said:

    About 1 year and 3 months ago, I released a video that was a Minecraft-Star Trek spoof thingamabob :steve_shocked:.

    I promised a part two (since it left off on a cliff hanger) at the end of that year. Here I am now presenting the part two I promised nearly a year ago 


    Part one Re-uploaded (Because of copyright)

    Part two (Finally, its here!)


    Keep in mind that the animation style isn't supposed to be the best out there, but its still something.  :mobender: 

    why did you get copyright on part one?

  7. This test follows up the other test i put on the forum a while ago, superman goes flying then he does a sonic boom, and after that he encounters some zombies and beats the crap out of them...

    Tell me what you think in the replies! (i have been planning to do a longer animation so i'm asking you guys if i can improve some of the moves shown on this test)

    -Fixed the cape render issue since on the last test he didn't have a cape and if you want to see the version WITH the cape well i'll leave it as a spoiler.

    The spoiler down below is the edited #2 of the previous test.



    Thanks! :D 

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