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Posts posted by TeleportingPanda

  1. 3rd times the charm! I scrapped my last intro completely because people said it was to cliche, and it sucked. Skjod recomended my to a link to show me what a good intro was, and that helped me a lot. A big part of my upcoming videos are going to involve villagers, so I used them in my intro as well. hopefully people will like it, but if not I'll keep on tryng!



  2. 1 minute ago, Beefray Rulan said:

    1. To long (make it Shorter)

    2. Work on your camera movement

    3. Work on your character movement

    4. A guy cant bend that backwards unless he's really flexible or a girl (still doe, dont do that)

    5. Needs more action

    Is it still decent though?

  3. A very simple rig, but a useful one. In mine imator if you want redstone, you can only get redstone dots, not lines. You could put it in your scenery to get redstone lines, but that has some limitations and you can't change if they are powered or not powered. This rig changes this, and it's 3D! 

    Here's a pic:


    not powered:




     Here's the download link:

    I also want credit if you use this rig in your youtube video. 

  4. 1 minute ago, Astro Animations said:

    Ok, first I'm 13.

    Second, I clicked on it thinking "what the heck, I need to see this. Who would DO this."

    Third, there are exceptions, but generally, being older does make you more mature, if you really want to start that conversation.

    Fourth, the people who still laugh at poop are little kids who don't understand how wrong it is yet.

    My brother is 15, and if I yelled the word shit in front of his face, he would burst out laughing. But maby it's just my brother and I. I don't think it is though. I just hate those smug doush bags that think that since they're older, they're better and more perfect than anyone younger and can treat them like shit. Hell, I'm not mature my self, I'm literally watching family guy right now, but that doesn't mean that it's wrong to post rigs of shit.

  5. Just now, Astro Animations said:

     A ten year old would have been worse.

    But your age is something I barely care about. It matters, but not, like, SUPER matters.

    What is really wrong is the fact you're so immature, you're posting poop rigs.



    Oh and you're so mature your self? While I did make it, you clicked on the rig. Just because your older (I'm guessing) you's a better, more mature person? I'm not mature myself but I do know that most people still laugh at poop, so I made this rig.

  6. Just now, Astro Animations said:

    I mean you're an 11 year old on the internet making poop rigs for an animation software.

    And a ten year old would have been better?


  7. 10 hours ago, [GMK]animations said:

    Dude how old are you? 5

    I don't want to reveal my real age, but I'll tell you that it is way more than that.

  8. If you think it's too gross, check out the first one I made. People said it was too unrealistic and didn't look like poop, so I made this one.

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