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Everything posted by ZZZZane

  1. Happy Birthday?

    1. ÜberKiller


      Thanks ZZZZane. You're a good friend to me.

  2. Is it your birthday yet?

    1. ÜberKiller


      For you Aussies it is

  3. Can't you select an bunch of objects and parent to a folder already?
  4. Yey. There is gonna be a new Hitman game :D

  5. Oh my Fallout 4 is gun be good

    1. SDWAN


      I love the optional building mode

    2. Magicmaan775
  6. It could probably handle 500 characters (I have a crappy laptop, and handled 300, with lag). But a 9999999 billion block schematic, wot.
  7. Hellu. I have some suggestions for 1.0.0. Parent/Unparent Alternative So I think we're not getting a parent/unparent option due to limitations or something, but, what if we could turn on/off hierarchy options. For Example, keyframe 1, we have a guitar parented to a human with position and rotation checked, everything is parented as it should be, skip to frame 5, uncheck position and rotation and it's like the guitar was never parented to the human. these options^ Lock the timeline A lot of the time when I'm animating, I go the scroll down the objects imported and this happens. It'd be good if we could lock it in place. And that's it. Bye.
  8. There are some pretty good sword fighting tutorials on Youtube, study them. Make sure you add weight to the swords, don't just have swords swinging everywhere like they're sticks, make sure if the character misses his target, he swings out of control.
  9. ZZZZane

    How to copy frames

    Highlight the keyframes (Click in drag over or double click) and press CtrL + C.
  10. Did you make that texture sheet yourself? You need to fit the entire gun into one 16x16 space. (It could also be 32x32, 64x64, 128x128 and so on) I'd suggest this item sheet for when making custom items. *thanks to Blox
  11. I guess that guys an arms dealer. get it cause arms like real arms not weapon ar... nvm
  12. I think this may need a gore warning. So much blood, and intestines... you sir are the master of blood in Mine-imator.
  13. yey Are there some hidden features no one knows about? and you announced a few features before the C++ topics. What happens to glow and ambient occlusion. What of these Lord Daven?
  14. 14 more days until Arkham Knight. The excitement is brewing.

    1. Jack
    2. GOZZE


      i have xcitement that dies as soon as thought of my pc comes

    3. SDWAN


      Got the money and my PC is comin in a week

  15. So when you parent a shape to something it moves, resizes etc. Is that what your saying? Try playing around with these settings^^^.
  16. When choosing textures just choose the texture pack (.zip). Don't be worried if Mine-imator stops responding, just be patient and wait.
  17. Thanks, and that's how they would spell it back then.
  18. This basically links on to Usually the main cause of death for pirates was being hung, and usually for everyone to see. This some how may be disturbing, if pixelated skeletons being hung disturb you, step away. 4K Credit to: Skybox- Uberkiller Weapons and Furniture- BloxTheRigger Skeleton Rig- Mr. Cat and thanks too GasCreeper, for some really good ideas and the Crow Rig. and Emu for being Emu and Frossa for being Frossa.
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