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Everything posted by EnderMagic1

  1. Rigs: SFR 7 CoLahaust's Guitar Pack Anthony's Bird Pack
  2. Good start! I don't see the main issue with the glowstone but like you said, maybe bring out the shadows more? Also, maybe try using a custom sky for the nighttime scene if you find your lighting to be too bland. I always try to use something like a skybox and then play around with the camera settings to improve the scene a bit.
  3. A player stumbles upon a lost skeleton.. Rigs: SFR 7 Ninja Dino's Skele
  4. Boredom during quarantine. Rig Credits: SFR 7 BloxTheRigger soda cans
  5. A player has to jump off high cliffs to evade a Skeleton mob. Rig credits: Skibbz's facial rig Hexical's armor rigs Someones skyboxes for Mine Imator (forgot creator)
  6. Rig Credits: mbanders Hat Megpack Farm Days Pack
  7. Hey all. Are there any good tutorials (videos or written guides) that explain the full potential of the particle creator settings? There's just so many features; it would be nice to have an overview/tips on how to use all of them. If anyone has a link, please share. Thank You!
  8. I have a similar but different issue. Whenever I open some rigs, they don't appear on screen, but are located in the resources section. Really strange? ?
  9. I guess I have to pass the download. I have so many rigs that I use every time and if it doesn't work ?
  10. Is this program still compatible with mine-imator rigs? Just want to make sure before I download it
  11. What's all the hate? I love it. I personally hate customizing the potions myself, it is wayy too much work. Great job.
  12. Darn. Shouldn't have used that pack. Would regular bookshelves be fine next time?
  13. Hey all! Here's my newest wallpaper. Enjoy and warning: this wallpaper is EDITED. Non-rendered and non edited: Credits: The Enchantment Era pack by Zovo KOC and Nexil's Facial Rig
  14. I was going for that 'effect' -I guess it worked
  15. Another one for you all. Enjoy.
  16. The poses are fine. However, I agree there is wayy too much bloom. Turn it down next time.
  17. Ikr.. My computer is really slow with mine-imator, so I can't render too much.. Let me try again with 2K
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