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Everything posted by -StickyMations-

  1. Lol thanks, I didn't see that coming
  2. It also happened to me, but it doesn't happen again. Heres the solution: Create a direct acces on the desk, but you mustn't open it by double left clicking. To open it you must click right click and click on "Open". So I never had the same problem since I start doing that. I hope you understand
  3. I wish good luck to all of you in this 2016, happy new year!

    PD: I realizad that the minecraft splash says "Happy new year!"

  4. While Mine-Imator still having crashes, new members will be joining everywhere.

  5. To import rigs you must download them and extract the file and move it into the projects section in the Mine.Imator files. Then you search a button in the workbench that says "Import project" and you click "browse". You open the Mine-Imator files and click on the rig. I hope you understand. Welcome to the forums!!
  6. So... You will keep doing tests with Mine-Imator, but animations only with Cinema 4D? I dont know
  7. Well I'm not gonna lie, the animation it's not too good, but the idea It's ok. You must practice, investigate the program, discover new things, search tutorials on YouTube, etc. Animating It's hard to explain from an animator to another, and It's even harder to me to explain but I recommend you to practice character movements and camera movements. Welcome to the forums!
  8. Can someone tell me how to convince my older brother of allowing me

    downloading a 7.9 MB song to make my next animation better?


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. toaster4


      @UltraGamerHD That thing's creepy! a 30 second death threat!? what the frank, man!?

    3. -StickyMations-


      Okay, I will change my signature.

      And now, What you think about my signature?

    4. toaster4


      that's better. Thankyou

  9. Achievement get! Go outside and play with some friends! :D

    1. Ocelot


      1. Raining

      2. What friends?

    2. Skjold



      And thats why i've still not even gotten the "OPEN INVENTORY" achevement..

    3. -StickyMations-


      What you mean with raining?? And what you mean with "what friends"??

  10. Maybe the google translator isn't very good...
  11. Wich version are you trying to install? Or maybe be sure you download it from the official website, sometimes that's the problem.
  12. Hey the about the trapdoor collab, Is it ready?

    1. Pokekights


      Yeah. I just have to make a substitute for a entry.

    2. geotrax2001


      @Pokekights can we upload the full video on our channels?

    3. Pokekights


      Your single collab parts yes, not the full collabs.

  13. Whoa! This is truly the biggest MI scenery I ever made... (Image)



    PD: I still working on it, It's going to be for my next animation.

    1. Rabbit
    2. -StickyMations-


      Click on the image and you will see it bigger...

    3. Rabbit


      Oh. gg. Monitor is too square.

      Nice, it looks detailed.

  14. All those rigs are amazing! Мой любимый цифровая камера <---- Understand? I hope I didn't wrote it wrong.
  15. It's annoying for me the new people that came here because of Minecraft Universe, because they are very lazy animators (I know, they're new here). And also they think that just because having Mine-Imator allows them participating in collabs and other stuff. The thing is: they don't even try searching for a tutorial to make their animations a bit better. I guess that in time, they will learn.

    We just have to wait.

    1. Magicmaan775


      Who do you know who is new here who specifically came from him?

    2. -StickyMations-


      When new people normally discovered Mine-Imator, they searched for tutorials before doing an animation.

      The new people does animations like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPUnk7nPGX0

      No offense to the creator of that animation, sadaf1327. 

      I'm pretty sure he came here because of MU because he also has this animation that it's pretty similar to

      the animation that MU shows in his video, if you saw it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcqJ88uUQyY

    3. Magicmaan775


      Yeah, maybe. I don't know of any on specifically from his video, though.

  16. Wow those boots look amazing! They don't fit very well with the minecraft style, but they look good. I wish I could download them rigs crash my Mine-Imator.
  17. Wait a second... did you made this post twice?!
  18. It needs a lot more effort, I can say you made this animation in less than 2 minutes. But the idea is good.
  19. But, for example, I want particles be able to travel trough stone blocks from a scenery, but not trough wood blocks. Understand?
  20. My profile is filled with little mans walking around :c You will see them If you scroll down.

  21. I was meaning that this rig looks good compared to others. But that doesn't means that this one is bad. My opinion.
  22. Looks fine for beeing your first rig. Trust me, I've seen even worst things than this.
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