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About 567legodude

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  1. That is the most true thing I have heard here. Whenever someone comes up with a good idea everyone is like "well these other programs can't do it, so obviously we shouldn't have it either." News flash, this isn't those other programs, we don't need to limit ourselves by what other programs can do. (And Blender does have cloth physics and such)
  2. 567legodude

    How to fix sounds

    Whenever I add a track for sound to the timeline, and then add some sound, I don't hear anything when I play it. Anyone know a fix? Answers to common questions: Yes my speaker settings are correct and working. No the track is not muted. Does anyone know why there is no sound?
  3. But you have to use a mod to fix what the original doesn't have. Or just add some things for fun. @MineshaftGT01 What is the need for that? It probably won't be added.
  4. Is it gonna kill someone to simply loop through the schematic and make light where there is a torch? At least in those other programs you could make a plugin/filter to do it for you.
  5. This isn't blender though, we shouldn't limit ourselves just because someone else did. And I know how to code it would be less than 10 lines.
  6. I placed every torch in MC manually. Emitting light would be very simple.
  7. Okay I guess. But there seriously needs to be a checkbox to make torches/fire emit light in the schematic; I shouldn't have to place 1,700 point lights manually...
  8. Is that a part of mineimator? Where would it be?
  9. It would be nice if there was a schematic editor, like the ability to move/animate the individual blocks of a schematic. Right now anything that I want to move, I have to remove from the creation, and then add it later. On a piston door for example, to be able to select the blocks of the door and animate them to open, instead of deleting the blocks from the schematic and adding them in.
  10. What if you create a flat surface in front of the camera, then parent it to the camera so it will always stay there. And set the texture of the flat surface to the bars?
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