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Status Updates posted by MinesterTheFloop

  1. *sniff* I need like 100 napkins.

  2. Welcome to the Forums!

  3. Can you PM me a Mediafire (or whatever you use) download of your Epic Fail Collab entry? I don't really like converting YouTube videos.

  4. [Hype Intensifies by 100x] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rjtm57JzlQ

    1. MinesterTheFloop
    2. Allemn


      Yesyesyesyesyesyes! All of the yes!

    3. SkeetokTheOtter


      Ewww that was kind of weird. and Steven universe makes absolutely no sense to me.

  5. Walk cycles on Minecraft spiders is hard.

    1. Skjold
    2. Mike
    3. HydroKinesis


      No, studying how spiders walk is hard, especially if you are a hard core arachnophobic.

  6. Welcome to the Forums!

  7. Ermahgerd. Herpy berthder!

  8. What happened while my internet was missing?

    1. Marty McFly

      Marty McFly

      The forums were missing too.

    2. HydroKinesis


      When your internet went missing, the rest of the universe outside your house flashed out of existence. Like minecraft, only the areas around you rendered.

  9. Welcome to the Forums!

  10. *explores Disqus* o____o I wish I could unsee that.

  11. Happy birthday, even though it's still the 8th for me!

    1. Voxy


      Thankies! *hug*

    2. MinesterTheFloop


      I would've preferred a high five, but okay.

    3. Voxy


      Hugs are mandatory.

  12. Ugh... why is it so hard to draw short hair?

    1. Kwazedilla


      Ask the person who drew your profile picture.

    2. HydroKinesis


      It isn't. You will never feel right with it if you keep drawing now. Stop and try again tomorrow.

  13. Welcome to the Forums!

  14. Welcome to the Forums!

  15. I didn't realize I had 100 likes until now.

  16. So, my 60th time at a hotel. I regret everything about that visit.

  17. Ugh... my computer sucks. I can't render a small video with one point light, even in 720p 30fps, without it saying, "Out of Memory!" I need help rendering this.

    1. SDWAN


      I could render it for u m8

    2. MinesterTheFloop


      @SDWAN Really? Thanks! So I just PM you the file?

    3. SDWAN


      @Minester yeah but u have to tell me your preference of the way u want it rendered

  18. Welcome to the Forums!

  19. I have so much to look forward to this month, like Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, my birthday, 1.9, Windows 10 edition...

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