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Everything posted by Uknownhealer

  1. A lot of re-texturing. Thanks, It's mah new profile pic. That's personal preference why I put that there. I'm not sure what happened there I just clicked the edit button then image.
  2. Sorry, please listen. This is last --- ---- time i'll tell you, can you please change my name to Alfire? Without spelling errors, it ticks me off and adds no "comedic effect."
  3. Put me as Alfire. Or uknownhealer. I don't go by Dogspizza anymore, sorry.
  4. It's one of my worsts. Plus I didn't find it all that.... good. Edited/updated.
  5. After hours of testing and animating, I have gotten this piece of junk that i want to throw in the garbage. Anyway, I thought i'd share it with you guys because why not.
  6. 'Posted 21 November 2014 - 20:13' How dare you. Not make more of this AWESOMENESS!
  7. Anyone want to do an MGB battle?

  8. So i made a movement test animation, a little while back. Hope you enjoy!
  9. Put my as Dogspizza, or i'll rip your throat out.
  10. Character name: Alfire Description: Here (Unfinished) Ability's: Alfire can fight a decent fight, nothing to strong. Once Alfire is ALMOST beaten he lets Darkfire take control of his body. When controlling his body, Darkfire is limited to nothing, he can do whatever he wants, cast fireballs, go at really fast speeds, Do some amazing back flips, all that sort of things. Alfire isn't tough, to be honest he's really weak till Darkfire helps him, and even then he's not that strong. I removed him being able to leave Alfire's body. Weapons: Any sword. He keeps all on him, and uses any he feels like it. If one breaks, he got more! Darkfire is the same. Skin/rig: Rig. Download rig: Direct download MediaFire link Reference video's: Status: 'Available' Person in fighting: -----
  11. Count me in, I really enjoy collabs.
  12. Yeah, i didn't want to offend anyone by them knowing it's blender... That's why i only asked for voice actors.
  13. A character i made up. Because minecraft doesnt have enough. Rigging.... Bet your not as good at it when it's in Blender, are you. Oh. Well. Thats quite... That would explain a lot. Alright, but that will be more in the future, i have all voice actors needed currently.
  14. Change me to standby, i'm not wanting any challenges atm.
  15. What? unoriginal? The story, well you havnt seen the script
  16. What do you mean? It did take awhile. What are you suggesting?
  17. Guys, i'm going to be making a new series, trapped in the Nether! Quick run down: Steve and some others get trapped in the Nether and they need to escape, on the way they find Herobrine, a foe in the series, and it becomes a hole big party! Sadly all shows need a lot of effort and the closest I can schedule the first episode release is April first. Closest, that isn't a promise. That being said, i need more people to help out. Currently i have characters made, a script for episode one, and not enough comedy. I don't have enough characters, so i'll allow some people to addition people WHO HAVE NEVER BEAN IN ANOTHER ANIMATION BEFORE. Must show an image of the skin posed, send me a download link to the skin, name, personality, humor. I may not always accept your character, nothing against you, so don't be offended. I also need voice actors for it, which add me on Skype and i'll get you set up. (Must have deep voice/voice changer) Skype: I'll pm it. Current list of characters: Steve - Taken Alex - Wanted Evan - Needed Herobrine - Needed Note: if your good at multiple voices, you can take two. Note 2: I hope you all consider being apart of trapped in the Nether!
  18. The skin doesnt work. ):
  19. Hmm. Good, i wouldn't say the best-walking animation has pauses, that just look weird, but i don't blame you, it's hard to make walking animations in mineimator. 8/10
  20. THIS IS MY 500th POST! Suicide isnt funny whatsoever. I hate how people are turning this into a joke. I want to strangle them... Hmmm... weird how i don't like suicide, but if i had the chance, i'd kill someone legally.
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